A 2021 with the hope of freeing the coronavirus in Honduras and the world

Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

Honduras and the world are entering the welcome to a new year with a total of 1.8 million deaths from covid-19, but its hopes are being raised in the promising state to end the pandemic.

The closed country 2020 with more than 3,100 deaths, while the contagios rose by 122,000, since March, starting to expand the death mortality pandemic, second official records.

For the first quarter, Honduras hopes to receive the first AstraZeneca-Oxford vacancy lot and start immunizing with health personnel who are on the first line of attention.

LEA: Marzo esperan llegue primer lot of vacancies from AstraZeneca to Honduras

The covid-19 pandemic in the Eta and Iota tropical storms is the only one that has affected Honduras in 2020 in the social, economic and ambient lo.

The covid-19, in addition to the deaths and contagios, killed more than 500,000 people without employment and paralyzed its productive device during more than three months.

The situation is aggravated by the Eta and Iota tropical towers, which devastate to miles of damned and lifeless families, plus graves given to the productive infrastructure.

The losses caused by the par and the effects of Eta and Iota exceed 100,000 million lempiras ($ 4,140 million), according to estimates by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (Cepal) and the Central Bank of Honduras.

The days that Eta and Iota equaled to “45,676 million lempiras (1,879 million dollars), the information of Cepal.

The losses caused by the natural phenomena are summed up in the crisis derived from the pandemic que, segun el BCH, surpass the $ 55,000 million ($ 2,264 million).

The president of the BCH, Wilfredo Cerrato, says that the losses caused are based on a “historic year of reduction from 9% to 10%” of the Gross Internal Product (GDP). “When we sum up the impact of production, we are estimated to have an impact of 100,000 million lempiras (4,143 million dollars), and this is a very powerful date”, ver verling.


One of the five countries is launching its evacuation campaign, a year after the first alert launched by the Chinese Health Organization (World Health Organization).

China was the first country to launch a vacancy campaign reserved for women running for mayor (staff and students from abroad, workers, etc.).

More than fifty million Chinese experimental vacancies were injected into the country, which were approved andste jueves una desarrollada por Sinopharm.

Russia closes on December 5, when it begins to evacuate workers in danger with Sputnik V, the evacuation unfolded by Russia Russian National Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology Gamaleya.

This vacancy was approved by Belarus and Argentina, which will start its March campaign.

The United Kingdom, for its part, has taken the western part of the country by authorizing the evacuation of the country by the Pfizer-BioNTech German-German Alliance Alliance.

The immunization campaign started on December 8 and more than 950,000 people received the first dose. The country will also receive the first AstraZeneca-Oxford caravan, which will be injected as early as January 4th. En Occidente, le siguieron Canada and the United States on December 14th.

Posteriormente Suiza el 23 y Serwië el 24, la casi totalidad van Unieón Europea el domingo, Noruega el domingo e Islandia el martes, todos con la vacuna de Pfizer-BioNTech.

The United States and Canada will carry out the first peacekeeping operations authorized by the Modern Laboratory, in which case the EU will issue a decision on 6 January.

More than 2.8 million patients have received a dose, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In the EU, Germany is the country that has been evacuated so far, with more than 130,000 doses in five days.

Keyboards on the AstraZeneca window that will go on sale

1. Practice

The AstraZeneca / Oxford vehicle has the advantage of being economically accessible (it costs around 3 euros per dose).
In this case, it is easy to increase: can be preserved at the temperature of a refrigerator, between two and a hundred degrees, different from the vacancies of Moderna and Pfizer / BioNTech, which can only be increased to a large place and very low temperatures ( -20 ° C in the first case, and -70 ° C in the second).
A large scale evacuation is facilitated.

2. Effect

According to AstraZeneca’s CEO, Pascal Soriot, the vaccine is capable of combating the new coronavirus variant, responsible for a case study in United Kingdom.
“For now, we consider that deberia will be effective” against this mutation, “Soriot told the Sunday Times. “But we can be safe, because we have to try it.”
We also make sure that new versions are prepared for them, but we hope that they do not need to: “Have you prepared”.

3. Britannica

Fue elaborada by the British group AstraZeneca together with the University of Oxford. It is the second vaccine approved by the MHRA, distributed by Pfizer / BioNTech in the United Kingdom since December 8 and administered to more than 600,000 people.
United Kingdom, one of the most affected by the pandemic in Europe with more than 71,000 deaths, collected 100 million doses of the AstraZeneca / Oxford vaccine from the 40 million strains available here in March. The vacancy must start this Monday the 4th of January.
AstraZeneca will ensure that it will be able to produce 3,000 million doses of its vaccine by all time in 2021.
