(CNN) – An Ohio 18-year-old joven loaded cargoes through arms, but agents patrolling a New York Times Square subway station found him with an AK-47 rifle and a cargo carrier, according to police.
Saadiq Teague, of the Winchester Canal, near Columbus, arrested the firefighters late, informed the New York Police Department.
Teague was stationed loading his phone at the subway station and held the AK-47 in front of him, giving CNN a police source with direct knowledge of the situation and anonymous condition. The adolescent also has ten with a gas mask, indicates the source.
The police did not say why the teenager had the army and the cargo carrier.
New York Police Commissioner Dermot Shea congratulated Twitter on agents confiscating the army.

New York City police say they confiscated an AK-47 to a teenager at the Times Square subway station.
“This story could have had a tragic and different finale, thanks to its policy deadlines with the suspects exposed”, tuiteó Shea el viernes.
Teague is accused of various charges against the criminal position of the armed forces, according to the New York Police Department.
CNN is unable to identify Teague’s lawyer, but is seeking legal assistance to see if it is representative. Sondeverbod, which is possible with a Teague todavía no se le haya asignado un abogado porque el arresto es muy reciente, dijo Red Haskins de Legal Aid a CNN.
CNN bus maps to the family of Teague and Ohio and a fiscal del district of Manhattan and busca de comentarios.