A 15% promise of patients with arthritis can develop psoriatic arthritis

Marcela Moreno Wilches
Agencia Latina de Noticias Medicina y Salud Pública

Psoriasis is a disease in the skin that is characterized by the presence of red lesions or eruptions with white capes on it and can be from those small lesions that have larger zones.

Approximately 15% of patients with arthritis are diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, a type of inflammatory arthritis that occurs mostly between 30 and 50 years of age and that affects several parts of the body including the ones.

In an interview with the Revista Medicina y Salud Pública (MSP), and Dra. Amarilis Pérez, rheumatologist, said that the majority of patients suffer from psoriasis and arthritis, but can also be presented in the opposite case.

In the case of psoriatic arthritis, the articles are affected and have a mayor incidence in women who are gay; en los varones suele afectar en burgemeester medida en el area del ojo, lo que se conoce comunment coma una uveítis.

Although this condition is less common than rheumatoid arthritis affects a large percentage of the population and is present between the third and fifth decades and can affect the pediatric population.

What is present?

A hereditary genetic component is the risk common in cases of 43% of people having this type of arthritis, the family history register for psoriasis and the presence of some infectious agents that precipitate the presentation of this arthritis and psoriasis.

Normally the immunological system fails and when physical and emotional stressors are present the patient produces the exacerbations in his manifestations in the pelvis and exacerbations in his manifestations of arthritis.

Normally the patient will present a variety of symptoms, in the case of arthritis will present pain in the joints, common commencement with cancer, with anemia and when you have these symptoms are related to what patients with arthritis suffer from arthritis ), without embarrassment, the patient with AR has a more symmetrical process. In psoriatic arthritis, they involve the distal articulations of the mane and are involved in dedicating mania and pimples, as is the common pain “Explain the rheumatologist.


The patient alone presents pain in the part where there is a tendency with the articulation, experimenting a process of inflammation or pain in the code, in the plant of the pie, in the superior part of the toothpick, which is known as the tendency of Aquiles and also suele enfrentarse a la caída del cabello.

How can a patient with psoriasis be evaluated?

The doctor Amarilis, expert in these conditions manifests that, for diagnostic purposes, evaluates the cable cable, the part of the ears that tends to present many eruptions, the areas of the joints, the appearance of places in codes and rods and very important is the evaluation in the patients’ years

If the patient is advised to burn all the information of signs and symptoms to log the diagnosis and temperament, then it is reduced the functional incapacity and avoids the articulation of destabilization.

The patient with psoriatic arthritis has to present strong pain in the cleft palate, with rigidity and immunity that empowers with inactivity and cold.

The support with magnetic resonance imaging radiographs, blood samples that generally show a living anemia, evaluation of sacral articles, is key to determine whether the patient is present or not.


When treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs does not work, it is necessary to use some modifiers of the disease.

The metrotexato is used to treat rheumatic conditions, as it is an agent that modifies the disease, steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for short periods to prevent inflammation and pain and other agents that modify the disease.

In addition to these drugs, the limitations and severity and continuation of the inflammation can continue to be used by biological modifying agents, used for the treatment of intermittent psoriatic arthritis, anti-TNF agents or anti-cuperative agents.

“Its most refined medicines, medicines that live directly on this portion of the system that are given or that are active and the block in order to prevent the inflammatory process, these medicines are excellent. Without embarrassment, access to them on occasion is very difficult, although there are companies that can help you find a time limit ”, explained the expert in rheumatic conditions.

Samples of blood, radiographic studies and articular control are key to determine whether a gout, a rheumatoid arthritis or determine the disease.

Sales of this type of treatment

Accelerated superiority, reduction of signs and symptoms very quickly, an excellent alternative to maneuvering the skin and the arthritic component.

Traditional agent modifiers and biological agents within the cells are those that attack the interleucin, others that are centered on the cells and others are centered on the necrotic factor.

Aspects to keep in mind

  • It is one of the reasons that empowers the condition, as well as the manifestation in the skin, as the article, because the specialist recommends more proactive, avoids situations that can alter the state of the patient.
  • Basically, the dermatologist’s support, which can add other modalities, as well as the affection of the job requires the ophthalmologist and, in conclusion, the support of a multidisciplinary team.
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