80 years of the first treatment with penicillin in a human being

First modification:

On 12 February 1941, a British policeman, Albert Alexander, received the first penicillin treatment of history at Oxford Public Hospital, England. Tras is covered with a rose, the herida is infected with pregnancy. Disagreement, the police accept an experimental treatment of penicillin, but the open doses increase to five days. Terminated the drug, the patient empire and wall. Sondeverbod, with this patient commences the revolutionary ‘era of antibiotics’, which always changes the history of medicine.

In times when the world is assisting in a global evacuation against Covid-19, it can be recorded that 80 years ago the first treatment of penicillin was performed on a human being.

A British policeman of 43 years, Albert Alexander, was the first patient to be treated with penicillin. His doctor at Radcliff Hospital in Oxford, England, was transferred to a morbid hospital, undergoing an experimental treatment. If the last resort is to be found, then Alexander has been disarmed by the fact that an infection caused him to stumble upon the brink of death. In a way that on February 12, 1941, Dr. Charles Fletcher treated penicillin and marked a hit in history.

And it was prevalent in the decade of 1940, humanity was about to die of a simple disease that has been infected by bacterial infestation. A hereditary maladyte from immemorial times can lead to death.

Alexander Fleming describes the song ‘Penicillium Notatum’

On September 28, 1928, Alexander Fleming, a physician of early origin, resumed his vacations working in his hospital at Hospital St. Louis. Mary de Londres, when observing that one of the bacterial cultivations in places of establishment contaminated by a hongo. In a way that, assisted by one of his colleagues, and by the use of a microscope, it is said that the author of this moho has a halo of transparency, a cell death that does not create the bacteria.

The Fleming Hall of Fame 17 years after the Nobel Prize in Medicine. A galley shared with Howard Florey, professor of pathology at the Sir school. William Dunn of the Oxford University and Ernst Chain, a German chemist of Jewish origin. Ambos retomaron the investigation into the penicillin that Alexander Fleming had decimated in 1934, lie to find serious obstacles both in the purification, as in the synthesis for the antibiotic.

In 1939, the work of Howard Florey and Ernst Chain, summed up by British biologist Norman Heatley, was published. Fueron was able to stabilize and purify the penicillin in 1939. Pero just this year, it was the Second World War, the bleak conflict, which with more than 50 million deaths, is the most deadly in the history of humanity. The devastating campaign of Nazi Germany, pushing for Europe in Jaak, has millions of soldiers in camps battling superstar agonizing over infections. Bale, squirrels, and bombers disperse a large quantity of victims that quedaban to his suorte if the herida does not progress. An ante panorama, in May 1940, the Oxford group in England determined to accelerate the production of penicillin.

The first experiments by Howard Florey on Ernst Chain in ratons and humans

The first experiments are performed with laboratory rats. Inocular on a ocho con estreptococos, no bacteria that are mortal. Of these, as well as four rods injecting penicillin, giving as a result sovereign, while the others do not.

The positive test led the scientists to experiment with humans. But the purified penicillin was a dispensable treatment. One thing to manage in ratones, and others in humans. It has the difficulty of the company, the marching band on the Oxford School of Pathology has tin, water bottles, jars, and then concave spaces to purify.

As of February 12, 1941, 80 years ago, Albert Alexander police injecting him with his first penicillin. The hernia on a cord with a rose, the rabbit affected Alexander’s rostrum and the infection was extended to its pulses. Ante the first of a treatment, accepting the penicillin with tan buen result that presents better than the next, but the penicillin purified during one year alone for 5 days.

In March, Albert Alexander’s death, according to the logos’ agreement, the Oxford group sought to produce penicillin on the scale of gaps in the chemical industry of the United Kingdom. Nonetheless, the primary war and industry have not been halted by the pharmaceutical company. The Oxford Group has no alternative but to emigrate from the United States, specifically to Peoria Laboratories in Illinois.

The unfolding in mass of the penicillin that changed the course of humanity

Alli, the British biologist Norman Heatley and the state microbiologist Andrew Moyer, logarithmically multiply by one decade the amount of antibiotics that will increase the penicillin fermentation process. This led to the mass production and sale of ampoules in 1943. A huge aid to the Allied soldiers in the Second World War.

Since the beginning of the decade of 1940, the penicillin has changed the course of world medicine. Laboratories in the United States and the United Kingdom enroll in pharmacies for synthesis, for oral administration. In adelante, sexual ailments like gonorrhea or syphilis; heridas in the skin; and respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, pharyngitis and powdery mildew cure penicillin.

And although Alexander Fleming is in charge of the penicillin describrator, beyond his great efforts by Howard Florey, Ernst Chain, Norman Heatley and other scientific pathology variants of the University of Oxford, he is working hard for feel the bases of the ‘era of antibiotics’. Misma esperanza que el mundo pone en las vacunas en contra del Covid19.
