8 tips for a healthy diet for the children

The crisis caused by the new coronavirus has health repercussions that only respond to infection. The loss of ingressos and social Islam can affect cambios in the dietary routines of many North Carolina residents.

Tras el cierre de las escuelas -que no reabrirán hasta el According to the announcement, the governor – many nieces and nephews of the state – have changed their diets.

North Carolina days have been transformed into one of the first four states to burn a subsidy of 250 per child for the purchase of food during the pandemic. Treat yourself to a federal money coming from the program P-EBT and benefited from more than 800,000 children.

Without embarrassment, how can we invest the money in the best way for the most chic of a proper food supplement?

Here are some tips based on Dietetic Lineamientos de la Oficina de Prevention de Enfermedades y Promoción de la Salud (ODPHP) of the Department of Health and Human Services at the Office of the Secretary of Health.

1. Come mucho no es come well

Malnutrition should not be associated with delgadez. The prevalence of infantile obesity is high. 18.5 jw.org af United States and affecting a total of 13.7 million children and adolescents, including the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS).

This percentage drops to 25.8 when it comes to Latinos and adolescents, the percentage is higher than the infantile population by ethnicity or race. Therefore, it is advisable to choose the types of foods you should eat to ensure that you follow a varied diet.

2. More fruits and vegetables

Quizzes are a very basic advice but do not hesitate to be necessary. Agreed with the inquiry What we eat in America (NHANES) in all editions the estadounidense promedio verteer percentages much menores de frutas and verduras in comparison with the recommendations.

In particular, children between the ages of 4 and 13 consume a glass of green tea on weekdays, while the recommendation is between 2 and 3. In the case of fruits from the 9th to the 13th year, they consume a cup of one cup. de frutas por semana y se recomienda 2.

3. Whole grains

If well in all the editions in the United States consumes the amount of necessary granules, the error resides in the excess in the intake of foods with refined granules such as pizzas, rhubarb, tortillas, galettes and arrows.

The recommendation is not to start with these foods completely but only if they are made with whole grain cereals, such as avenue, whole grains and galleys, whole grains listed for comer, maize palates, among others.

4. Rich lactic acid in nutrients

A good option is the lean lactose or low fat as the leches (including lactose) and yoghurt, but also the soybean enriched (soy leche).

Debate that the Mayor of the quesos contain more soda and saturated grasses, and less potatoes, vitamin A and vitamin D that leche or the yoghurt, a mayor consumes the most beneficial serious dairy products and selects more leaches and yoghurts in grass cottage cheese.

5. Increase protein variety

Although the consumption of foods with proteins in the ninth stages of marriage is close to the recommendations, the fishing effort is due to the loss of these recommendations, in addition there are other diet foods, such as bachelors and men who have tenens in.

A strategy to increase the variety of nutritious foods is to increase weekly carnivores, pollen or eggs for legumes, nuts and seeds or seafood.

6. Menos val

Between the ages of 9 and 13, it was used to consume the most sugar in the United States, with an ingested supply of aggregates from 17 of total calorie diaries consumed, when this percentage should be less than 10.

The strategies for achieving this inclusion include choosing babies without added sugars, as well as drinking sugar drinks, or reducing the frequency of consumption and servings.

La leche baja en grasa o el jugo de fruta hecho en casa tambi se pueden consumi en lugar de bebidas azucaradas.

7. Less fat saturated

To reduce the consumption of saturated grasses it is important to read the labels of the foods and replace those grasses with rich foods in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated grasses.

A realistic option is to mix the ingredients in mixed plates to increase the amounts of herbs, whole grains, lean and queso lean, in the form of grated or common quesa.

8. Less food salads

Although the soda is found in so many foods, careful choices are needed in all food groups to reduce their consumption.

A good practice is to choose fresh wines, or congeladas (without salsas or condiments), in a place of enladadas.

Elegant barracks comedians and avoid measles and mites instantaneous, included arrows with sabor, instant videos and prepared pasta. Finally, record that you can always condition the plateaus with grasses and species in the living room.
