7 positions have been transferred to the Covid room

Despatches of an anachon apogee Everything is not in your place. The generators and the problem were initially initiated by the Civil Protection and led by maintenance technicians, as well as by the health authorities, but many critical issues related to the gradual recovery of the corrector. .

An abdominal computerized tomography was not possible for a patient with intestinal obstruction, who was transferred to Cardarelli, Campobasso. And not only that, because of the impossibility of conducting radiological examinations, they are present in the news. Including treatments for cardiac attacks are impossible. The chirophanes are not active, in the medium in which the Dr. Nicolás Rocia in a document sent to the 118 emergency services.Geen sends patients with nurses related to the time required radiology and hospitalization services.Also confirmed by the head of the Department of Cardiology and Installations of Termoli Ermenio Calgone, who demonstrated in note that debited to Fallo in the angiogram debids on electrical issues that appear during the night and are not resolved completely.Severe patients who require coronary arteriography for angioplasty and all venous infarction cases should be transferred to other installations.

Documents of San Timoteo

The situation is critical from the Termoli Hospital, with many people waiting for a response. “Why was this problem anticipated in light of the precedents, the precision and the state of emergency that the establishment requirement of a campaign hospital implies?” Pregúntele to Vincenzo Iacofino, an advocate who advocates for the victims of Covid and that rastrea cases of presumptive medical negligence in Molise. The causes of the court hearings have not been clarified, but the general manager Asirem Orest Florenzano, who carried out a reconnaissance at the hospital this morning, said that powder should be taken from a sovereign debt to the mayor electric absorption of the carpets y sin usar). and el hospital. Campña Hospital. Without embargo, the origin of the short circuit indicated as the main suspect of the fall is not clear, e If some electric cable tuviera corrosion originally, series equally painful. Considering the massive absorption of current, the number of electrically disposable electrical devices used at the same time in San Timothy.

Three courtesy of light, dudas and questions in the hospital. Rehabilitation patients with manual ventilation during hours

San Timotio who in these hours is waiting for another emergency, a group in the medical department. At the moment, in the department that directs the Dr. Nicola Milano, has no positive patients and no one of the operating staff has given a positive opinion on the molecular issues, which are practically repeated in the diary. But in the last days Up to 7 patients have been hospitalized initially with a negative positive fasting molecular weight A more advanced molecular tampon. All of them have been transferred to the COVID-19 Urology area, floor area, and are now complete. Hecho, the 20 available places are all occupied. Fortunately, patients do not find themselves in a serious state and do not have the or important symptoms that require the use of oxygen. Sonde-embargo, just as investigating the crime. In addition, to understand whether there are any variants among the infected that are not easily mediated by antigenic hypotheses.
