7 basic elements of well-being

By: Irene Zamora, Psychologist, Kokoro

Irene Zamora, Master in Emotional Property Psychotherapy
Irene Zamora, Master in Emotional Property Psychotherapy

To log in we need the emotional gain we find a balance in all aspects of our life: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It’s because we’m working on the 7 basic elements of the property.


We invite you to be present, ‘n waarnemer, feel and accept what is succeeding at the moment, this is one of the main elements for emotional well-being.

Conscience is key to the regulation of emotions, identifying toxic thoughts and libraries of feelings of inertia and guilt for being concentrated in our past or present, yet we have no capacity for action.

Recommendation: Take a tranquility space where you can sit in a comfortable position and breathe with the awareness that you are succeeding when you take a break. For the morning it is recommended to set the intention of the day and at night increase for three situations that will last during the day.


Maintaining a viable asset brings us a great physical and emotional value; in mayors favor the salutary approach.

Our state of mind, behavior, motivations and sense of well-being depend on the release of a series of chemical reactions that take place in our brain.

Physical activity provokes an immediate increase in levels of:

Recommendation: Moderate aerobic activity between 150 and 300 minutes per week for adults. In the case of nines, nuns and adolescents 60 minutes of aerobic physical activity a day.


This is one of the most important elements and mayor mayor to log the property. Adequate and individualized nutrition is paramount to the health of each person. Ya lo decía Hipócrates: “Que la comida sea tu alimento y el alimento, tu medicina”.


  • Tomar mucha agua
  • Consume at least five servings of vegetable and fruit diaries
  • Respect the time of comedy
  • Carry out at least one company during the day and without distractions of electronic devices
  • Be conscious when I come, come to me
  • Reduce processed foods


The ocean is a neutral state of mind, very vulnerable and important to improve our immunological system. Reduce the levels of stress, allow us to contact our partners and share with the other.

Recommendation: Dedicate to 30 to 45 minutes a day to an activity that we enjoy as: learn a book, take a coffee listening music, paint or do some manual work.

The repairer is essential that during this period the organism recovers and processes information. The nocturnal night is more determined by the quality than the number of hours. It is considered that the sueño is repaired when one feels fresh, full of energy, with sensation of having descended.

Recommendation: Establish a regular schedule to attend and complete.

Contact with nature

We are part of nature, because it is a necessity for our human essence. All human beings have a neurobiological connection with nature. Get in touch with her physically and mentally well-proportioned.

Recommendation: Take at least one time a month, build a fireplace in a forest. The wood of the forests is full of phytoncides that are natural oils that segregate in the air to protect them from insects, fungi and bacteria.

For example, the citric fragrance of the phytocide D-limonene has been shown to be more effective than antidepressants in potentiating good humor and securing emotional well-being.

Quality Relationships

Compare quality relationships in the springs we can share the things of the day and day. Problems and preoccupations shared with confidantes or what happened to a distressed situation, we would like to find solutions and support for frontiersmen.

It is recommended to dedicate time of quality to families and friends, it supports the reciprocal possibility of giving and receiving support, to promote empathy, respectful communication and relationships with the other in a genuine, connected manner.

Recommendation: Dedicate time to those who are important to us, be present when we are busy, do any electronic distraction or tarea that is needed. Observe his gestures, his tone of voice, listen with attention and record the important things that are for us.

Spirituality, proposal

This element persists that each individual knows its maximum potential. The human being is looking for transcendence. Then clarify our proposed brand sent to our life and make us see more.

Recommendation: Take a diary inspiration phrase and make sure that phrase is mastered with our actions. There is an application called “Ek is” which fires a diary phrase.
