6,500 migrant workers sacrificed for Qatar’s world championship dream, says report

At least 6,500 migrant workers from India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka died during the 10-year construction of Qatar’s World Cup in 2022 due to sloppy working conditions and a lack of training, according to The Guardian. The shocking figure is likely to be grossly underestimated, as there are no figures available for migrant deaths of workers from Kenya or the Philippines.

Massive development work is underway, in addition to the conversion of Khalifa Stadium and the construction of seven additional stadiums at the World Cup level, as well as a new airport, new hotels, new roads and public transport, and a whole new city which is only being built for the World Cup final celebrations.

Qatar’s human rights record has been under scrutiny since the country won the bid to host the international event. Amnesty International has published a damning report accusing the rich country of lying to migrants to lure them to work. Many workers paid hefty fees to recruitment firms hired by the Qatari government to cover transportation and accommodation. Many of them could not afford the fees, and therefore they got loans that they had to repay.

After arriving in Qatar, they are allegedly forced to live in bad conditions and are not paid on time or what they were promised. “Workers often live in cramped, dirty and unsafe accommodation,” Amnesty International reported. “Recruitment agents also make false promises about the salary that workers will receive and the type of work offered. One employee promised a salary of $ 300 a month in Nepal, but it turned out to be $ 190 once he started working in Qatar. ‘

Payments are also often delayed, which does not allow workers to send money back home or make payments on recruitment-related loans that they often had to take out.

The Guardian It is estimated that during the last ten years since Qatar’s attempt to host the event, an average of 12 migrant workers from South Asian countries have died each week. This can be twice as high as records of other deaths of migrant people.
