61% of Honduran millennials do not vote in elections and want to migrate


The 61% of the “millennials“Honduras will not vote in the primary elections, scheduled for March 14, if they are celebrated immediately, and will migrate debit to the shortfall in employment, and 77% consider Honduras not to offer opportunities to take up a deal.

Here is what you have to say to the Efe the governor of the Economic Policy of the Honduran Council of Private Employment (Cohep), Santiago Herrera, based on a probe conducted by this patron dome of the country.

Agreed with the study, 61% of the millennials surveyed contested that if the comics were celebrated by a high, non-voter, the 52% would not have any political preference.

“In the media, political parties are being persuaded by interlocutors of the demand needs of the people, and in this way the people confide in the parties “, submits Herrera.

Without embarrassment, in Honduras the young men “lost confidence” in political parties over the lack of compliments to their needs, added.

Many young people believe that a leader “does not necessarily have a party, interprets his questions, his needs and probably has more possibilities to complete his expectativas“, congratulations Herrera.

The primary or internal elections, which are not obligatory, will be celebrated on 14 March with the participation of the National Parties, in power; Libertad y Refundación (Libre, primera fuerza de opposition), y el Liberal, también de opposition, while the generals will be delivered in November 2021.

Migrate ante lack of opportunities

On the other hand, 61% of the millennial generation, which conforms to the needy in the 80s and 90s, will migrate mainly to the shortage of employment and opportunities in their countries.

The high number of millennials that desean migrate “preoccupied” to the private business of Honduras, sir Herrera, who says that young people who are “desalentados” have the lack of a sole proprietorship “of salads: they are looking for a regular or irregular emigration looking for opportunities in their case to take action to get involved irregular “.

Destaco that the family remakes are the main source of divisions of Central American countries, but “should not be a tragedy of familiar and social character” due to the irregular migration of Honduran miles.

“We will teach that these young people are trained, capable, fit to work a job, enter the labor market in a productive way. Peace can be victimized in its youth by lack of opportunities,” said Cohep’s representative.

The verdict proposes the private enterprise of Honduras “before, during and after the pandemic“And after the devastating passage of the Eta and Iota tropical towers, in November passed, it” generated employment “, he said.

The young people need access to “a formal employee, not an informal or precarious”, Herrera signaled, indicating that the private company requires a business negotiation proposal to create job creation.

The companies also need a favorable inversion climate to generate “trust“, as a company with legal security conditions that guarantee that the” rules are stable “, aggregate.

Education failure, other failure

The document falls into disrepair: the lack of access to education in the country, of which only 17% of the millennials surveyed have completed a university career, 39% run secondary and 16% only primary.

In addition, 23% of young people are students university, 3% have a technical career and a 2% have obtained a postgraduate degree, so Herrera insisted on the Honduran authorities to abandon the education system and guarantee internet access.

87% of millennials have television on their hogar, 86% have an intelligent telephone, and only 35% have a computer at home.

The Cohep study also shows that 77% of those surveyed believe that in Honduras there are no opportunities to start a business and 29% start a job in short supply.

“Every time the country has an effort and we recognize that as much as the Gobierno level (…) we have managed to consolidate all of our programs to favor employment. to create an easy way “, explained.

Herrera destacko the importance of auming the ingresos of the families to increase the quality of life of the people and avoid that the migraine migraines of manner irregular in caravan.
