52%, without access to PCR

The 52 per cent of the people affected by Covid persistent during the first ola no tuvo access to a PCR test for its diagnostic o, when it is hizo, fue semanas after its contact and it is not possible to detect the disease.

This conclusion is taken from the study ‘The persistence of symptoms of Covid-19 and its diagnosis in the first case of the pandemic in Spain’, published online in the journal General Medicine and Family and Company by Pilar Rodríguez Ledo y Lorenzo Armenteros, representing the Spanish Society of General and Family Medicine, in addition to Silvia Guerrero Caballero y Sonia Bilbao, as members of the Long Covid WETTE affected collective.

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The authors believe that this circumstance must be taken into account, especially by the Administration, “in the reconciliation of patients who appear in the limbo of this pandemic and the result of the great evils of the regime”.

“I did not do it,” he continued, “a series of recollections that we have not learned that we are suffering from this sanitary crisis that we are living; in addition, we need to question the ethics of our actions with respect to this public group ”.

The Covid protocols do not indicate the realization of PCR tests

The article, based on the results of the Covid persistent inquiry conducted by SEMG and Long Covid ACTS between July and October 2020, explains that patients affected by Covid persistence of the first bout of the debilitating pandemic were diagnosed in the months of March and April, the majority will not require hospital admission, as the powder will have access and if they perform a PCR by not being indicated in the protocols of those failures.

When if the realization takes place during the period of indication of the trial, the condition of these results, both in the realization of the test as in the positive outcome results of the diagnostic test.

According to the study, the lack of diagnostic tests and the assessment of the pathology at which, with reference to the state of the alarm, many cases have been confirmed without the proper diagnosis, labeling or denomination.

Henceforth, in view of the new situation and availability of access to PCR from Primary Attenuation, PCR is carried out as proof of follow-up to 46.5 per cent of the master of the survey, “except that there is no evidence indicated for the following week after his contagion. Logically, its results, at least in theory, should not be an indication of a suspected infection by SARS-CoV-2 ”.

In this form, “The right of access to the recommended diagnostic tests is questionable. and of its realization at the indicated moment (presentation phase or of the first symptoms) to the patients affected by Covid persistent in the first case of this pandemic, both in Spain and in the rest of the world “, says deductions of the main measures taken , results that are likely to equalize inferior or inferior to 48 percent of the affected.

Although it contains statements, dates or appointments of institutions or health care professionals, the information contained in Redacción Médica is edited and elaborated by periodicals. We recommend to the reader that any relationship with the health be consulted with a health care professional.
