5 myths of salud y bienestar that debes poner en el olvido in 2021

Internet has many benefits, from being a midwife to the one who succeeds in the world, has a good relationship with friends and, by supuesto, makes purchases. But it has its adventures, and one of the most important are its false notices, including the myths of health and fitness which circulates constantly and which can negatively affect the form in which we train and act. To ‘separate the paycheck’, we ask the personal trainer and fitness expert Luke Worthington to discredit five more common myths about health and fitness.

Make peso egg whites, to burn great tonicity

This is one of the most common myths que creen las mujeres. ‘Levantar pesas o mancuernas no te hará tener una gran masaespierd, pero te hará fuerte’, señala Worthington. Burden women simply do not have the same hormone levels de desarrollloespierde que los hombres, por lo que cuando una mujer levanta pesas, no desarrolla la misma masa muscle than a man. There are studies that he demonstrated huge benefits which maintains the training of strength in the body (in addition to an increase in mass gain that conducts a reduction of the corporeal mass thanks to an accelerated metabolism); huesos más fuertes, mejor state physico general, menor riesgo de lesions (including the color of cleft palate), best status of anime and the mayor’s mobility, especially in the media that we consider and our mass spierdisminuye.

Las pesas te pueden ayudar en mucho, pero no para brindarte un burgemeester volumen de masa gepierde

© Vogue México y Latinoamérica
Las pesas te pueden ayudar en mucho, pero no para brindarte un burgemeester volumen de masa gepierde

We would like to introduce you to a more elaborate and stylish figure

Can not be change the shape in which our muscles are connected because it is determined by its skeleton ‘, explains Worthington about the suggestion that we can change our bodies simply by doing some Pilates classes. ‘What you can do fortalecerlo y hacer which accepts the sting more, pero no puedes alargarlo. While so important, it is important to note that the delgadez is the result of the corporal composition and is best known as the resistance training [como levantar pesas] to maintain lean stomach, because in addition, you have a very high energy deficit. ‘

Comer después de las 8:00 PM te hará ganar peso

Thanks to the innumerable ‘rules’ of the intermittent ayun circulating online, many have begun to believe that it comes more late at night, can result in a rapid increase in weight. ‘Apart from hormonal changes, the loss of weight gain is the result of consuming less or more energy of what he had during a prolonged period of time ‘, explains Worthington. ‘Limit consumption or have a price at specific moments, can be a tool to help some people control their intake if they are anything to go by,’ per cada cambia si cenas la las 20.15 horas! ‘

If so, it's time to dump her and move on.

© GettyImages
If so, it’s time to dump her and move on.

Workout sessions that do not take place during vacations, teen days that compensate when

‘Así como hacer un training does not lose weight in shape, falls on a tampon to lose shape ‘, says Worthington, explaining that the change is produced as a result of constant and constant behavior. ‘Those who have been pre-empted under a physical conditioning regime of -an new, new yo- and the abandoned one after a couple of weeks, understand that time required to see results, as well as enjoy your vacations while staying connected, and enjoy consistent ownership patterns during these appointments. ‘

These are all myths that teenagers love about well-being

© Getty Images.
These are all myths that teenagers love about well-being

The detox teas and the diets can eliminate the body

Ignore the ads that you see on Instagram or influencers that promote a diet or tea specifically to detoxify the body; no function. ‘No puedes’ limpiar’ tu sistema con té o agua alkaline, you are married and you are married por ti ‘, dice Worthington. ‘Tampoco can change the pH of your body, so if you put a lemonade in that alkaline water you will not do much.’

This article was first published by op Vogue.co.uk
