5 benefits can pay $ 1,400 and the federal estimulo

The Chamber of Federal Representatives approves a new vote, the new package of economic estimates by COVID-19, and now President Joe Biden’s company is only missing to start distributing the aid.

Among the most attractive incentives is the $ 1,400 check that goes to the majority of citizens.

Without embargo, the package includes multiple federal aid from those who could benefit. Here we detail five of them:

  1. Padres in Puerto Rico tendrán acceso al “Kinderbelastingkrediet (CTC)”. Medida that expands the Tributary Credit by Hijos by 2021 to $ 3,000 per year ($ 3,600 for less than 6 years less)
  2. Benefit extension for example. The new package continues the $ 300 weekly fee for samples up to September 6, and the contributory credit for these benefits is up to $ 10,200.
  3. See cubes 600 hours of emergency license pay for federal workers by quarantine or the care of affected families by COVID.
  4. Emergency Fund for Emergency Education receives $ 39.6 mil for colleges and public and private universities that luchan to recover the lost ingress from the campus campus, including the Emergency financial aid for students.
  5. Expand the $ 119 para estudiantes por alimento incentive. This increases the access of students to the food assistance during the school year and the monthly months.

After the package was approved, it was hoped that Biden’s companies in the near future will see to it that these benefits flow between the cities.

The recommendation:
