40 iconic photos of the Donald Trump era in the United States

Donald Trump salutes his wife and wife by swearing allegiance to the presidency, ahead of Barack Obama's March 20, 2017
Donald Trump salutes his wife and wife by swearing allegiance to the presidency, ahead of Barack Obama’s March 20, 2017
Miles of people protesting against one of Donald Trump's first media: the Muslim veto against the United States (AP)
Miles of people protesting against one of Donald Trump’s first media: the Muslim veto against the United States (AP)
In May, Trump unexpectedly dismisses the FBI Director, James Comey, in one of the first scandalous shootings in the Russian tram.
In May, Trump unexpectedly dismisses the FBI Director, James Comey, in one of the first scandalous shootings in Russian tram
In June, Trump announced the withdrawal of the EEUU from the Paris Climatic Accord
In June, Trump announced the withdrawal of the EEUU from the Paris Climatic Accord
Trump meets July 7 with Vladimir Putin in Hamburg, at the G-20 summit
Trump meets July 7 with Vladimir Putin in Hamburg, at the G-20 summit
Concentration of ultraderechists in Charlottesville.  The encounters with a protest acabaron in the care of a young man.  Trump says he has good people in
Concentration of ultraderechists in Charlottesville. The encounters with a protest acabaron in the care of a young man. Trump says he has good people in “lads”
In the first intervention of Donald Trump at the General Assembly of the UN, organized in North Korea with
In the first intervention of Donald Trump in the General Assembly of the UN, organized in North Korea with “fugue and fury”
In October, Trump visits Puerto Rico, is the devastation of El Paso del Huracán María.  Arrogant packages of hygienic paper
In October, Trump visits Puerto Rico, is the devastation of El Paso del Huracán María. Arrogant packages of hygienic paper
The president is finalizing the DACA program, which benefits hundreds of thousands of young people who join the country as minor.  La medida fue impugnada en la justicia
The president is finalizing the DACA program, which benefits hundreds of thousands of young people who join the country as minor. La medida fue impugnada en la justicia
Trump, who visited Israel in May, met in December in Jerusalem with his capital
Trump, who visited Israel in May, met in December in Jerusalem with his capital
Trump is a fine of 2017, reform reform and decades
Trump is a fine of 2017, reform reform and decades
Trump has made several visits to the front to monitor the advances of his insignia: the wall that, supuestamente, Mexico has to pay
Trump made several visits to the front to monitor the advances of his insignia: the wall that, supuestamente, Mexico had to pay
In 2018, Trump announced that the United States would withdraw from the nuclear pact with Iran, along with various powers
With effect from 2018, Trump announced that the United States will withdraw from the nuclear pact with Iran joining forces with various powers
With a plethora of white supremacists, Trump is converting to the first presidency to reunite with the North Korean leader.  Kim Jong-un travels to Singapore for the first time between Estado's ladies
With a plethora of white supremacists, Trump is converting to the first presidency to reunite with the North Korean leader. Kim Jong-un travels to Singapore for the first time between Estado’s ladies
In June, an image reflecting the discrepancies between Trump and the world newspapers supporting multilateralism will go viral on the G7 summit in Quebec (Canada)
In June, an image reflecting the discrepancies between Trump and the world newspapers supporting multilateralism will go viral on the G7 summit in Quebec (Canada)
The discrepancies between the EU and China have escalated in Washington and the United States over a commercial breakdown, with arrangements that respondents with reciprocal means by the Asian giant
The discrepancies between the EU and China have escalated in Washington and Washington over a commercial frenzy, with arrangements that responds with reciprocal media by the Asian giant
In July 2018, Trump found a reunion with Putin and una cumbre and Finlandia
In July 2018, Trump found a reunion with Putin and una cumbre and Finlandia
Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed as the judge of the Supreme Court, the second of three juveniles convicted by Trump in the highest court.  On this occasion, the mayor will take over the preservation
Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed as the judge of the Supreme Court, the second of three juveniles convicted by Trump in the highest court. On this occasion, the mayor will take over the preservation
The confrontations with the press took place during the Trump administration's constant.  Tras lost the 2018 legislative elections, including an exchange with Jim Acosta, CNN
The confrontations with the press have been a constant during Trump’s administration. Tras lost the 2018 legislative elections, including an exchange with Jim Acosta, CNN
Migrant caravans intensify in 2018. Trump's governor negotiates with Mexico to quit in these countries while seeking asylum
Migrant caravans intensify in 2018. Trump’s governor negotiates with Mexico to quit in these countries while seeking asylum
On January 25, the federal governor of the federal government increases the length of the history of the state (35 days), due to lack of agreement on the presumption
On January 25, the federal governor of the federal government increases the length of the history of the state (35 days), due to lack of agreement on the presumption
The Democratic Party regains control of the Chamber of Representatives, with the mayor's number of women congressmen in history
The Democratic Party regains control of the Chamber of Representatives, with the mayor’s number of women congressmen in history
In the March of 2019, the financial budget, especially Robert Mueller, has the right information about the tram rusa and the presunta injerencia and the justicia del gobierno de Trump
In the March of 2019, the financial budget, especially Robert Mueller, has the right information about the tram rusa and the presunta injerencia and the justicia del gobierno de Trump
In August, it announced the presumption that Trump was taking over the Ukrainian president, Volodomyr Zelensky, in order to investigate Joe Biden, the Democratic candidate
In August, it denounced the presumption that Trump took over the Ukrainian president, Volodomyr Zelensky, in order to research Joe Biden, a Democratic candidate
In October, military forces launched an operation carrying out the Islamic State raid, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.  El presidents receive a Conan, a participant in the operation
In October, military forces launched an operation carrying out the Islamic State raid, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. El presidents receive a Conan, a participant in the operation
In December 2019, the House of Representatives approved the opening of political juvenile justice against Trump for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress
In December 2019, the House of Representatives approved the opening of political juvenile justice against Trump for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress
Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, leader of the Al Quds Forces, killed in a staged attack in Baghdad
Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, leader of the Al Quds Forces, killed in a staged attack in Baghdad
Trump celebrates in January the result of the vote in the Senate, which rejected the charges presented against the mandate
Trump celebrates in January the result of the vote in the Senate, which rejected the charges presented against the mandate
Nancy Pelosi Disrupts Trump's Speech Before Congress, February 4th
Nancy Pelosi Disrupts Trump’s Speech Before Congress, February 4th
With the pandemic over and over again, Trump is holding a press conference following the death of epidemiologist Anthony Fauci, who has launched a number of criticisms
With the pandemic over and over again, Trump is holding a press conference following the death of epidemiologist Anthony Fauci, who has launched a number of criticisms
At the end of Mayo United States protests against racial and police violence, George Floyd's assistant during an arrest
At the end of Mayo United States protests against racial and police violence, George Floyd’s assistant during an arrest
Security forces are cracking down on Black Lives Matter protesters in Washington to allow Donald Trump to pass a photo session in San Juan's Church
Security forces are cracking down on Black Lives Matter protesters in Washington to allow Donald Trump to pass a photo session in San Juan’s Church
Trump is applauded in the White House for signing a decree on police reform
Trump is applauded in the White House for signing a decree on police reform
The president spoke during a Florida campaign speech with mirrors in the November elections
The president spoke during a Florida campaign speech with mirrors in the November elections
After the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Trump was named Amy Coney Barrett in the Supreme Court.  The presentation event was concluded with a focus on contagion, as many invited guests were positively disappointed.
After the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Trump was named Amy Coney Barrett in the Supreme Court. The event was presented as a focal point of contagion, and several invited guests were positively disappointed.
When he was interned one day by COVID-19, Trump fled to the White House and withdrew his mascara in front of the rooms
When he was interned one day by COVID-19, Trump fled to the White House and withdrew his mascara in front of the rooms
No photos of Trump and Biden in presidential debates over coronavirus protocols.  Trump fired by failing to condone extreme right-wing groups
No photos of Trump and Biden in presidential debates over coronavirus protocols. Trump fired by failing to condone extreme right-wing groups
The President forgives the elections, insists on denouncing fraud and does not reconcile the result
The President forgives the elections, insists on denouncing fraud and does not reconcile the result
The Capitol was launched on January 6 by Donald Trump's followers who were trying to speed up Joe Biden's triumph certification process
The Capitol was launched on January 6 by Donald Trump’s followers who were trying to speed up Joe Biden’s triumph certification process
On January 13, a week before the mandate change, Trump was converted into the only presidential candidate in history to commit crimes, accused of inciting violence
On January 13, a week before the mandate change, Trump was converted into the only presidential candidate in history to commit crimes, accused of inciting violence

(Photos: Reuters, AP, AFP)
