4 pelvic suede recommendations recommended for embarrassments like Paula Echevarría

Although we must always pay attention to our suelo pelico, during the embarrassment This is a mayor of interest. The length of the gestation months, as well as the part and post part, this zone is sometimes a extraordinary effort because what should be done should be a priority.

El suelo pelico is formed by muscles and ligaments that extend from the lower abdomen and maintain the suspension uterus, veiga y el recto. The hormonal changes, as well as the baby’s weight, occur during this stage when they become debilitated, losing elasticity and strength. It can provoke some problems that, with adequate training, we can avoid. If to tone our muscles we have physical exercise, the pelvic floor is no exception.

Algunas de las more habitual consequences when our pelvic floor debilitates is the prolapse, a caida or descuelgue of the intraabdominal organs, the urinary incontinence and includes some sexual dysfunctions. To avoid overcoming these problems, it is important to maintain our pelvic floor in full shape.

For this, the best is to start even before own this area, but always with the professional supervision, which will be what we are helping to evolve and ensure that we are achieving the correct shape and physical characteristics. Feel the muscles of the pelvic floor and learn to work with them without ever resulting in pain, as only the pimples on the manes will be essential.

One of the first features that suele recommends being realized tumbada en el suelo about an esterilla and mirando hacia el techo, con las piernas dobladas y las plantas de los pies adoyadas en el suelo. We take care of the narcissus, we lift the abdomen, and we take care of the penis while we have one contraction of the muscles from the vaginal zone, as if we were intent on increasing the urine, as if we were exposing our abdomen to the abdomen dentro y hacia arriba.

Another owner custom is realized pie, moving the frame downwards and downwards, as with the study windows, emulates the movement of a pendulum. While doing this exercise, it is important to counteract the zone, as we intend to close the pubic area to the abdomen.

If you have a pilot pillow at home, you can also do exercises like the one you propose, which you will do feeling about her, with the open piers and the well-kept paths in the sun. Debemo’s move the pelvis drive downhill and downhill, with an anti-reversal and reversal movement, using the same wheel as ours.

The ultimate owner works the pelvic floor and the abdominal transverse of conjoint form and also is realized with the help of the pilates balloon. The four sides, support the upper part of the prison about the pelota and coge aire. On expulsion, press the balloon with the lower braces and, in the vein, against the pelvic floor and walk the meter around the inner tooth, making a contraction of the zone.

As we have been told before, to start making our own wishes, only a small sample of all the things we can do in practice, it is necessary consultant with a professional profession. Not all are part of the same base, and the owners tend to be adequate at each person’s level, as well as advancing of embarrassment.
