4 million year old hand unravels a popular theory of human evolution

Tarzan swings from tree to tree may seem like a Hollywood attempt to imagine the lives of primitive men, but new findings suggest that our ancient ancestors were really swingers.

The study apparently sparked a years-long scientific debate about our ancestor’s ability to brachiation – the ability to swing from the trees only with the arms. Before this ancestor experienced an evolutionary shift to use hands for tools and legs to walk, they probably knelt on the ground and slipped over the canopies.

What’s new – Research published in the journal on Wednesday Scientific progress suggest the last common ancestor of hominids – a category of great apes that includes chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans and humans – climbed and swayed in trees.

“Our findings support the view that humans and chimpanzees evolved from an ancestor who had similarities to modern apes in their movement adaptation,” says lead author Thomas C. Prang, an assistant professor at Texas A&M University. Reverse.

Background – Most scientists realize that the human hand looks much more affordable in shape and form than the primates used to swing from trees.

However, this evidence gave rise to a disputed hypothesis: Humans evolved from a four-legged ancestor who used all four limbs for movement on the ground, rather than a two-legged ancestor hanging from trees.

A chimpanzee in a tree. The researchers suggest that the ancient ancestor of humans, like chimpanzees, swung from trees. Getty

Proponents of this hypothesis believe that the last common ancestor was more ‘monkey-like’ and less like, for example, chimpanzees or bonobos.

The researchers in this study were skeptical about this idea and wanted to test its merits.

How they did it – Researchers have used a sample of more than 400 specimens, which includes both living primates and ancient hominoid fossils.

First, researchers analyzed the old hand bones of Ardipithecus ramidus, who use believers of the disputed hypothesis to support their idea of ​​a quadruple last common ancestor. Ardipithecus ramidus is a human ancestor who lived almost 4.4 million years ago. Our understanding of it is mainly related to a partial skeleton found in 2009, nicknamed ‘Ardi’.

The initial interpretation of this hand suggested that the last common ancestors of humans and chimpanzees used a form of locomotion called ‘climbing above the branch’, Prang explains.

The remains of Ardipithecus ramidus.Raphael GAILLARDE / Gamma-Rapho via Getty Image

He doubts this interpretation for one reason: monkeys and lemurs are the only primates that use top-branch climbing, and their much smaller bodies use external tails to help them with tree-climbing – unlike the subject of their study.

“The derivation of ‘above branch’ adjustments in Ardipithecus is somewhat problematic because it is chimpanzee size and has an outer tail [like all apes and humans], “Say Prang.

To test it, Prang and his colleagues reconstructed the evolution of the hominin hand and how it may have adapted in ancient environments.

A figure from the study showing the evolution of hands in various hominoids, including humans and Neanderthals.

What they found – The results showed that Ar. ramidus were most similar to chimpanzees, bonobos and orangutans compared to ‘non-stress’ monkeys. Overall, they compared the sample in a sample of 53 anthropoid primate species.

Ar. ramidus had these tensions – which enabled them to swerve from tree branches – before a significant evolutionary shift took place with the generations of Homo (humans) and Australopithecus, an ancient ancestor of hominins, which includes humans and chimpanzees.

“The hand of Ardipithecus suggests that the last common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees be adapted to climb tree trunks and hang the body under branches, “says Prang.

The study was re-compiled as a unraveling of the earlier hypothesis indicating that hominins developed from an ancestor ‘with a common hand that had no tension’.

According to Prang, the study also indicates an important evolutionary step related to the development of instrument use.

“We are showing a great evolutionary leap between the hands of Ardipithecus and all subsequent hominins that coincide with the loss of tree climate adaptations in the foot and the earliest known stone tools and stone tool-cut animal fossils, “says Prang.

This finding supports the idea that Ar. ramidus exhibited an early form of bipedalism – or the ability to walk upright on two legs – that helps us understand how human hands and feet evolved.

“Our study provides some support for the hypothesis that human hands and feet ‘develop’ together, as previous studies have suggested using comparisons of patterns of hand / foot trait relationships and evolutionary simulations among humans and chimpanzees,” said Prang. say.

The researchers refer to Charles Darwin, the father of the theory of evolution, to discuss the implications of their findings.Getty

Go into the details – The researchers’ new findings can be found in the works of more historical evolutionists.

“Our analysis is much more in line with what humans like Thomas Henry Huxley and Sir Arthur Keith suggested at the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries, based on anatomical comparisons between humans and apes,” says Prang.

The most striking of these historical scholars is Charles Darwin, the father of evolution. Prang connects Darwin’s work with their findings on bipedalism in the ancient specimen, which can help explain human evolution.

‘The classic idea attributed to Darwin is that bipedalism’ freed the hands’ from their primary role in four-legged movement, enabling natural selection to push the anatomy of the hand in a new direction. [directly or indirectly] related to craftsmanship, possibly useful for the manufacture and use of stone tools, “says Pran.

Why it matters – According to the study, these findings are “a solution to a long-standing debate about the role of suspension in the origin of people”.

Alexandros Karakostis, an expert biomechanics expert not involved in the study, describes the findings Reverse as “very intriguing.” It offers a robust response to a heated debate ‘, says Karakostis – although it is a debate that is likely to continue.

In this context, this new study identifies suspensive adaptations in the 4.4 million year old remains of Ardipithecus ramidus, suggesting that human hand morphology may have originated from an evolutionary shift between Ardipithecus and Australopithecus, “he says.

A sculptor’s version of the hominid Australopithecus afarensis. The researchers in this study discuss the evolution of Australopithecus. Getty

What’s next – In the future, the study team wants the Ardipithecus give more details.

Ameline Bardo, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Kent who is not involved in the study, agrees that a more detailed analysis of the hand bones would be needed to better understand the relationship between form and function of his hand. ‘ This analysis, Bardo says Reverse, can contribute to an understanding of the movements of the ancient being.

In general, Bardo considers the study to be ‘very well done’ and contributes to the idea ‘early hominins evolved from an ancestor with a varied positional repertoire, including suspension and vertical climbing.’

The study team is very excited to investigate the implications of the paper for the evolution of great apes and humans.

“If it is true that humans and chimpanzees evolved from an African ape-like ancestor, it implies that each African ape line evolved at different rates,” says Prang.

“It will be important to reflect on the evolutionary history of African ape populations and how the evolutionary process may have shaped their anatomy and behavior over the past few million years.”

Summary: The morphology and positional behavior of the last common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees are critical to understanding the evolution of bipedalism. Anatomical research in the early 20th century supports the view that humans evolved from a stress ancestor similar to apes. However, the hand of the 4.4 million-year-old hominin Ardipithecus ramidus allegedly provides evidence that the hominin hand was derived from a more common form. Here we use morphometric and phylogenetic comparative methods to show that Ardipithecus retains stress-resistant adapted hand morphologies shared with chimpanzees and bonobos. We identify an evolutionary shift in the hand morphology between Ardipithecus and Australopithecus that renews questions about the co-evolution of hominin manipulative abilities and obligatory bipedalism initially proposed by Darwin. Overall, our results suggest that early hominins evolved from an ancestor with a varied positional repertoire, including suspension and vertical climbing, influencing the viable range of hypotheses for the origin of our genus.
