35 positive results for Covid-19 in Ponce

The Secretariat of the Department of Correction and Rehabilitation (DRC), Ana Escobar Pabón, is aware that 35 positive animals in COVID-19 are undergoing molecular testing. These positive cases belong to a module of 59 confined to the Ponce 676 institution.

Escobar Pabón informs that at present, 34 of the contagious are his asymptomatic and one presents the living levates. Addendum, which agrees with the information provided by Dr. Raúl Villalobos, President of Correctional Physician, has performed 452 molecular tests on 161 tests and custodian employees, and hopes for the results.

The designated secretariat recorded that on the previous occasions the agency was active in the protocol and that all those affected were in Islam by the following 14 days and were awaited by the medical staff of the institution.

“Department of Epidemiology and Market Surveillance, Correctional Health and Correctional Physician staff work proactively to control the spread of the virus, while carrying out the screening process. It is important to note that the nearest Monday, 18 January, will immediately receive the vacancies we initiate the vacancy process in the Ponce Correctional Complex. This process includes the Ponce and Villalba Social Treatment Centers. This vacancy calendar extends until the 22nd of January, ”said the government official.

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As additional members within the institution, the cancellation of orders from Ponce 676 will be canceled.

Regarding visits to correctional institutions, the governmental functionary, it is clear that the same measures have been agreed in accordance with the executive order as vigilant and as a means of protection. “Once the public has been vacated, we will review the recommendations of the marketers and evaluate the current directory,” he concluded.
