3 Easy exercises to make at home

Do you want to get in shape without going to high school? In your case you can have a large amount of exercise that you will help to work and strengthen all the muscles of the body. No necessary material at all, only an ester to be able to perform exercises on the sole and protect your joints and your spine.

In this article we recommend easy files to make at home that you can take care of it in order to, as it were, take care of the health of your body without moving house. ¿Te apuntas al reto fiksheid?

The best ownership to make at home

Ahora is in fashion to do gym at home, without embarrassment to all the urges that can be seen on the Internet are easy to make or appetite for any type of hogar. Continuation will provide you with a series of exercises that you can easily do in your hog, as you will not need space or the use of gym equipment. Here are the teens!

Sentadillas to remove gluten and pears

We will take care of one of the easy-to-use homeowners and more effective ones that you have at your disposal. The perfect boys to work with zones like the piernas and the glutes Thank you for the repetitions of a very easy move and apt for all types of physical conditions.

To make sentadillas correct tan only tens that follow these steps:

1. Mantente de pie, con el corpu erguido y separa ligeramente las piernas

2. Ahora, deberás afstammeling el cuerpo lentamente tirando el trasero hacia atrás como si te fueras a sentar en un ascento que est bajo

3. The weight has to be well distributed throughout the pie so that, as a matter of fact, the rods do not suffer from dementia

4. The objective is to lower the glute as much as you can, both 2 or 3 seconds and you will go down slowly

Repeat this move 15 weeks and during 3 sessions with 30 seconds of descent between medium. Asi, I work well in the zone and will see that your piers are fortified and more toned.

Potatoes trace to work the glute

If you want to better define the gluteal zone, there is nothing that can be done by this perfect owner to make it happen. To do this, please give in cuadrupedal position about the colchoneta and follow these steps:

1. From a quadrupedal position, tend to lift the derailleur wheel and allow it to travel backwards

2. Maintenance of the right cleft, procuration without curvature and, after all, the initial position

When appointments 15 rehearsals, cambia de pierna

I highly recommend it 3 series of 15 with each pierna for gluten to work harder. If you are addicted to gluten, you should take it to heart to include some weight in your pillow to increase your intensity.

Abdominal tiger to work the bar

Another of the easy ways to get started is this type of abdominals that are easy to do and the ones that work the abdomen, as well as the piercings and glutes. As you can see, this is a very powerful tool that can be done following these steps:

Coloca boca arriba sobre la colchoneta

Ahora, estira las piernas completely and elevates one centimeters of the column, procuring that estén a ras

In this position, the holes emulate the movement of a tiger.

Aguanta 30 seconds and descansa

Repeat the owner 3 or 4 times for your core is well worked and strong.
