3.7 magnitude earthquake shakes San Jose

San Jose was hit by an earthquake on Sunday night with a magnitude of 3.7.

The United States Geological Survey discovered the quake at 5:38 p.m., with an epicenter 30.5 km southeast of San Jose. With a magnitude of 3.7 and a depth of 3.73 miles, this earthquake can be felt near the epicenter, but damage to structures is unlikely.

During the past seven days, there was another earthquake with a magnitude of more than 3.0 within 100 miles of this area.

Not sure if you’m ready for the next big earthquake? Read the Chronicle Survival Guide for steps to get ready for it. Explore photos of San Francisco after the Great Depression of 1906 on magnitude.

This story was automatically created by an online bot built into the San Francisco Chronicle newsroom. The data that fuels this report come from the U.S. Geological Survey. Questions? Email premium@sfchronicle.com.
