2020 Summary and a Message from the Pokémon GO Hub

2020 was, to say the least, an unprecedented year. We all had to adapt to new circumstances and situations together while adopting a new protocol for social distance.

We as a society have developed newfound skills and talents with the free time we have been granted. Some may say it was a blessing in disguise, while others faced overwhelming hardships.

Pokémon GO 2020 Summary

Niantic has changed Pokémon GO tremendously to keep abreast of current global situations and 2020 was an excellent example of this change. Pokémon GO has transitioned from a pure outdoor experience to what is currently a hybrid mobile game influencing the original outdoor mechanics, and also with the introduction of indoor capabilities. The release of remote attacks, GO Battle League, global friendship interactions and other adaptations have shifted this change.

We as a global community have found ways to maintain normalcy at an uncertain time. Pokémon GO has been a big part of many people’s lives this year, and as people work together to set new standards for each other, it brings out the beauty in the destruction that 2020 has unveiled.

We at the Pokémon GO Hub want to remind everyone to stay safe. Yes, we know you’ve heard it a million times this year, but we mean it. Pokémon GO was originally intended to be an outdoor game and to this day follows its original idea. As mentioned before, Pokémon GO can be played indoors, but there are of course advantages to venturing outside.

With the end of the holiday season, we’m still unsure about how 2021 will play out, whether it’s in Pokémon GO or in the real world. How about none of us who say that 2021 will be our year and just have to take it slow and steady? Let’s see how things play out together, because worldwide there are still restrictions on staying safe.

Take this article as a reminder to everyone, including your coach, to prioritize your safety and well-being above all else. Do not violate any rules or restrictions for Pokémon GO. The best part of the game is that there are always more chances. What is it? there’s a Charizard that originated across the street? if you are in the lock, you should NOT run the risk of endangering yourself and others for a virtual monster. Play it safe.

Let’s get serious

Unfortunately, we lost a lot of good people this year. I’m sure you’ve now heard all the headlines about the increase in depression and anxiety due to the stress of dealing with loss and / or other uncertainties that 2020 has presented to us. There were also stories on social media about Pokémon GO trainers that we lost this year due to COVID-19 or other circumstances.

Remember that you are not alone. Sadness is something that many of us will have to deal with at some point in our lives. It is a natural process and something that should not be ignored, it helps us to deal with and continue a disaster in one’s life. If you know someone is struggling, reach out, talk to each other and ask someone how it is going and if you can do something to help.

Love ends in loss for those left behind, and sadness is a natural response to the loss of what we cherish.

If it is you who is in the midst of sorrow, do not be afraid to seek help. This is the attraction you need to escape from a dark place and to understand and appreciate the beauty of life again. Staying distracted is also a great way to deal with anxiety and stress from day to day.

John Hanke (CEO of Niantic), recently posted a tweet on his personal account here It encourages the use of Pokémon GO to combat mental health issues. Some important points mentioned in this article are that it has benefits associated with playing Pokémon GO, including the encouragement to be outdoors, get light exercise, improve social ties, but new scientific research shows that it also has the mood and can improve cognitive ability.

A recent study indicated that those with a negative mood before playing Pokémon GO felt significantly better after the game. From experience I can see that the majority of the Pokémon GO community takes care of each other, which is amazing. I have heard countless stories from trainers who help others, and what better way to spice up someone’s day than to care for you and be willing to help.

Remember that we all at the Pokémon GO Hub always think of You, yes you, reader. No matter what you have been through this year or in your entire life, you are a warrior, you have gone through your worst days and managed to keep your head above water. Whatever state of mental health you are in, just know there is help; there is always someone willing to stop and listen, whether it is a friend, family member or counselor. We will mess things up as a society.

Farewell words

Positivity is something we need on this earth, in times of hardship, positivity and having the right mindset is an extraordinarily strong trait that can place any boundary in your life no matter what has happened.

If there is one thing we need to take from 2020, it is that we have hope. We have learned more about what is needed as a society to counter something that affects us all and the necessary steps to eliminate threats such as COVID-19. We also have exciting new aspects of Pokémon GO to look forward to in 2021, things are slowly looking up and we will be back to normal soon.

This article is in loving memory of a good friend of mine. Jimi Rattenbury was taken out of this world on December 13, 2020 due to a tragic road accident. No matter how hard it is to write these words, he will be proud. At just 31, he was taken too early. Jimi will always be remembered as a brother, a son and an amazing Pokémon GO player. Until we meet mate again. <3

-Adam ‘Avrip’
