2020 empathy like the one most calamitous yet registered

(CNN) – The global global temperature temperatures of 2020 are estimated to be the highest caloric records, coronating it as well as the highest caloric record recorded on the planet, following a new analysis of data published on the four days.

The last six years are now the six most registered calorics, by 2020 to 2016 as the most caloric year registered.

The new analysis provides for the Copernicus Climate Change Service of the European Union, one of a variety of data dates that outline global temperatures and the effects of the climate change climate.

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Temperatures from the previous year 0.6 degrees Celsius (1.08 degrees Fahrenheit) are higher than the 1981 to 2010 average, and 1.25 degrees Fahrenheit (2.25 degrees Fahrenheit) for the pre-industrial average.

Global calentation has taken place on the planet every month with a calendula of 1.5 degrees Celsius that scientists believe will increase the risk of forest fires, sequences, floods and the accumulation of more extreme foods that can affect scientists.

Without embarrassment, in 2020 it became very clear that the world was experimenting with an attempt at disastrous climate change.

Comes in January, when the calorie and the sequel avivaron forest fires without precedents in Australia. When the flames are finally extinguished, the fires have carbonized a larger area than the state of Florida. An analysis of the past year has found that the climatic change has led to fires at least 30% more likely.

Arbores are perched on the front of the climatic cambio 1:03

Luego wins the time of hurricanes in the Atlantic, which leaves a record of 30 towers with number, 12 of the earthworms in EE.UU. Many of these tortoises carry the tactile caves of the climatic cambio, which only scientists are known to be more destructive than hurricanes.

Extremely cool conditions and dry weather also feed the temporary forest fires that are registered in the EE.UU west, which covers approximately 10.3 million acres in llamas.

And in the Arctic, some of the most extreme temperatures in any Tierra lobe are observed in 2020, and the region will continue to be twice as fast as the rest of the planet.

In large parts of the Arctic, temperatures of more than 3 degrees Celsius (5.4 degrees Fahrenheit) are recorded per day of the temperature, and some places have temperatures of more than 6 degrees Celsius (10.8 degrees Fahrenheit) per day of normal for the year.

To illustrate how enormous it can be a difference of 6 degrees Celsius: during the last ice age, which is about 20,000 years old and the largest part of North America is covered by ice, the mean temperature of the planet is approximately 6 degrees Celsius. centigrade more free of what is high.

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“2020 is marked by its exceptional caloric content in the Arctic and a record number of tropical torrents in the Atlantic North”, said Carlo Buontempo, director of the Copernicus Climate Change Service, in a press release. “It is not surprising that the last decade has been the most recorded and there is a record of more ambitious emissions reductions to avoid future climatic impacts on the future.”

La Niña no logra free the planet in the caloros 2020

What we hope is that the temperature in 2020 will be even more surprising is the height of the year’s La Niña, a natural climatic cycle that is characterized by more freezing temperatures in the Pacific Ocean. The greater freezing of the oceanic ocean and the resulting impacts on the global climate act as a natural condition for the planet, and the years of La Niña tend to make the planet more free than the years without La Niña or the phase bicycle race, called El Niño.

The Niño, which presents higher ocean temperatures than the Pacific Ocean, combines large amounts of excess heat released into the atmosphere and tends to make those years more cold.

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It is not surprising that 2016, which previously had the lowest caloric record, will present a El Niño force during the first half of the year. Prohibition of probes, especially striking with the refreshing effects of La Niña presents, 2020 presents the same amount of global caloric content.

This proportion is another criterion for mediating the impact that global calendar caused by humans is affecting the planet’s climate.
