20 questions with Danna Paola

“I had to learn how to put myself first and I think the whole album has the atmosphere,” she says. “It was very important to empower myself through my music.”

In celebration of her new set, Billboard Danna Paola asked 20 questions. Check out her answers below.

What is the best word to describe your new album, “KO”?

Personal. I would say this is my most personal album yet because I was involved in every way. The art, the lyrics, the music, the visuals, the video clips, just about everything. This is my newborn baby.

Which song on the album do you connect with the most and why?

‘Ordinary Love.’ This song is my most personal track on the album. It defines my emotional process and everyone who heard it felt my pain and what I went through from beginning to end. I wrote this song in January 2020 and had to understand what ordinary love means and that I deserve better.

Which song on the album do you think will become a favorite for fans and why?

I hope everyone! I created this album so that my fans can understand a personal part of me.

Which songs on the album are the first and last to appear on the album?

The first thing I wrote was ‘Friend de Semana’, when I lived in Madrid in 2018. The last song it made on the album was ‘Justified’, which I had for about five or six years – but I knew it was the missing track for my album.

What is your biggest goal for 2021?

Focus on my mental and emotional health. I feel very happy at this stage of my life, but I try to find a balance between my career and my personal life. Professionally, I have another project in mind, it’s a music concept I’ve been working on for the past three months. I know I’m launching my new album, but I want to work on my next album and discover new artists to collaborate with.

What was the first piece of music you bought for yourself, and what was the medium?

It was Selena Quintanilla’s “Amor Prohibido” and an album by Mecano, both CDs.

What was the first concert you saw?

The Jonas Brothers in 2009. I was filming a telenovela and had the opportunity to go see them in concert. It was my first concert ever where I bought my own ticket and everything. I saw them again in 2019.

What did your parents bring to life when you were a child?

My father was a musician – he was part of a group for boys – and my mother was a kindergarten teacher.

Who made you realize that you can be a full-time artist?

Ever since I can remember, I have always wanted to be an artist. Of course, my parents believed in me from an early age and supported me. I also had to believe in myself as an artist, and never give up, especially not when I returned to music. I also think all the support I got from my fans made me believe I could be an artist full time. Thanks to them, I am where I am.

What’s at the top of your professional bucket list?

I always dream big! I so want to perform in Brazil, as always! I want to work with Jennifer Lopez. I would like to write and produce a film. I would like to do an album with all my best friends. I would love to perform at the Super Bowl.

How did your hometown / city shape who you are?

I am a very proud Mexican. I think Mexico is a very special country and it made me passionate about music. The Mexican audience is hard to conquer, but they are incredible and I believe it has helped me grow as an artist.

What’s the last song you listened to?

“My Immortal” by Evanescence. It’s really dark, but I’m in a mood.

If you could see any artist in concert, dead or alive, who would it be?

Michael Jackson, Beyoncé or Lady Gaga. I’m a super fan of the three artists because they are excellent artists who give everything on stage.

What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen happen in the crowd of one of your sets?

This time, a male fan asked if he could introduce his boyfriend during my show. It was so special to see them get busy at one of my concerts with my music. I will never forget that night – they made me believe in love again.

What do you do with karaoke?

“I Wanna Dance with Somebody” and “I Will Always Love You” by Whitney Houston. Never fail.

Which movie or song always makes you cry?

I’m a full cancer, I always cry with all the movies and songs. Movies is The notebook and A Star Is Born. Songs? Every time I write a song, I cry. I also remember listening to “Dias Raros” by Vetusta Morla when we were filming [Netflix thriller series] Elite and I cried so much. It breaks my heart.

Which TV series have you watched many times?

Elite natural! Gossip girl, Break bad – and I think I’ll watch Dark again. I think this is one of the craziest series I have ever seen. I was on the go all the time and a lot of things made sense.

What is one thing that even your dedicated fans do not know about you?

They know everything about me, and sometimes I feel like they know more than I do. But I have to make my bed before I go to bed. Everything has to be perfect – the sheets, the pillows. I like to sleep without being bothered by anything.

What would you be if you were not a musician?

A full-time actress. But I also like gastronomy, so maybe a chef.

What is one piece of advice you would give to your younger self?

Do not open your real heart to those who do not care. You never know how people will take advantage of you. I was very selective with my people in my life.
