20 cleaning brackets that will come straight up

Of course, you are in favor of decaying a clean house within minutes. But if we’re facing a serious spill or clearing of snafu, we want you to be armed and ready. That’s why we’ve put together the 20 best cleaning hacks that * everyone * should have in their back pocket, from cleaning your bath with a grapefruit to using dryer sheets on striped shower doors.

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There is nothing worse than getting wrinkles out of a blouse, but accidentally giving it a new stain. This hack requires the hot iron to be driven over salt, which sticks to the accumulation and dirt. Once the iron is cool, you can wipe off the dirt immediately.

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Your favorite piece from Le Creuset is still sprucing up the not-so-pretty leftovers from last week’s dinner. Continue by filling the pan with water, adding vinegar and bringing to a boil. Then add the baking soda, let it do its thing and sand until it looks like new.

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Your trusted pan has definitely had better days. Give it back its original glory by rinsing it in the sink while it is still hot, sprinkling it with kosher salt and scrubbing your heart out. Then just rinse the salt, dry the pan to prevent rust and finish it with a wipe vegetable oil.

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Believe it or not, it is quite possible to clean your oven * without turning off the smoke detector. It is not necessary to use the automatic high-temperature cleaning function if you can only cover the shelves and the inside with a baking soda paste. Let it sit overnight before finishing with vinegar and wiping.

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It turns out that your favorite drink another magic. Place coffee grounds (new or used) in a bowl on the top shelf of your fridge so it can pick up all the funky smells. Just replace it every two months.

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No really. Vodka can have an intense odor when you sniff it straight out of the bottle, but if you add it to a spray bottle with water in a one-to-three ratio, it can give your home a clean, neutral flavor.

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Have you ever dusted a lampshade to clean it … just to make full use of all the dust in the air? A fluff roll solves the problem. It also works wonders on pet hair.

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It goes without saying, but this hack is our favorite. It’s as simple as stretching your arms across the width of your blanket, parachuting it, slipping out from under the covers and smoothing it.

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You and your iced tea make the move from the kitchen to the living room just beautiful … until the glass burst across the floor. It turns out that bread will not only absorb the spill, but will also pick up all the tiny, tiny pieces of glass that you may not see at first glance.

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Who knows that these citrus fruits can do more than just be delicious and tasty? It is a wonderful cleanser of the bath if it is generously sprinkled with salt. Plus, it smells a lot better than vinegar, no?

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Do we not believe? The paper and ink serve as a soft abrasive, which, when dipped in a do-it-yourself cleaner, will help give your windows a streak-free shine. PS: Mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar with 1 liter of water and a purple lemon or liquid soap if you ever run out of Windex.

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Glass shower doors can be a pain: one day it’s just a little smeared and the next day it’s completely covered with film. Your dry skin is the unlikely hero here. Once moist, it can soften soap suds in the same way it softens dust.

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OK, this hack takes notes from convenient to ingenious. Rotate the sticky part between the keys of your keyboard to pick up dust, crumbs and everything that hides between them.

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Seriously – this is the secret cleaning weapon you’ve never known in your life.

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Yup, it can do so much more than hair. To get rid of water stains on a wooden table, put dryer on a cool to warm environment and blow the place off a few inches until it starts to fade.

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Admit it: Yours has been smelling like popcorn for weeks. To neutralize odor or clean a hard-to-reach mess, fill a bowl with white vinegar and place it in the center of the microwave. Close the door and let it run for five minutes. Wipe off the dirt with a paper towel and … voilà!

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Oil stains on furniture, mattresses and more are difficult to treat, but wheat starch is your secret weapon. Mix it with water, spread the pasta on the greasy spot and leave it on overnight. Take care of surprises in the mornings.

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These pantry staples will promote your furniture like a charm. A few drops of apple cider vinegar will pull the dirt out of the wood, while olive oil will condition it.

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Not only is this trick very handy, but it’s actually mess-free (meaning no dustbins will float on the floor). Just slide a clean pillowcase over each blade and slide it down to pick up dust.

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Like the outlet of your hair dryer, your coffee grinder, blinds and skirting boards – plus the hard-to-reach nooks and crannies between your faucet and the tiles of your bathroom.

Try the hack

1. Clean your remote control with a hand cleaner.
Press a droplet size drop onto a paper towel and wipe the entire surface. Be extra squeaky by using a Q-tip between the buttons.

2. Prevent goo from sticking to your garlic press.
Mix it with a cooking spray before using it, so that the remaining garlic can easily slide afterwards.

3. Shine your cooking utensils with tomato sauce.
Press a dollop on a cloth and rub it on your pots and pans to remove tar.

4. Rinse your blender with soap.
Fill the dirty blender with water and a pump cleaner after making a smoothie. Run at high speed and then rinse.

5. Disconnect your coffee machine.
Fill the machine with equal parts vinegar and water, then let it run for a few cycles.

6. Disinfect your garbage disposal with a lemon.
Cut the peel and place a piece in each slot of an ice cube bowl. Put the frozen cubes in the disposal and grind them while the tap is turning.

7. Pick up pet hair with a struggle.
The rubber blade quickly picks up fur.

8. Smell your carpet with baking soda.
Sprinkle baking soda on your carpet or rug, let it sit for an hour and vacuum.

9. Clean dust under your furniture with socks.
Wrap a few socks around the head of a broom and use the handle to get under your couch or closet. The static adhesive of the socks works like a magnet for dust.

RELATED: Your Ultimate Kitchen Cleaning Checklist (Which Can Be Conquered in Less Than Two Hours)
