2.1 million in the US are vaccinated

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 2 million people in the United States have received a vaccine for the Chinese coronavirus.

According to the agency’s Monday update, 11,445,175 million doses of both Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were distributed across the United States, although only 2,127,143 received the first dose as of Monday’s data.

On Christmas Eve, the CDC reported that more than 1 million had received the vaccine.

The news comes as top public health officials stress the importance of receiving the vaccine. They further emphasize that achieving a semblance of normality in 2021 largely depends on what dr. Anthony Fauci described that he had vaccinated the “overwhelming majority” of the population.

“It will depend on our success with the vaccination, which I think is an overwhelming majority of the population, between 70 and 85 percent,” Fauci said during an appearance on PODCAST-19 last week.

“If we can do that by the end of the summer, I think if we are like that, in the fall, October, November, I think we will be very close to a degree of normalcy,” he added.

Similarly, the New York government, Andrew Cuomo (D), said on Monday that the course of 2021, or a ‘post-COVID future’, largely depends on ‘getting the vaccines into people’s arms now.’

“What does 2021 look like? 2021 looks like what we’re going to make it look like. That will be what we do, and it will clearly be the vaccine, ”he said.

“This is the one good news we had in 2020 – that the research community, the medical community, has come up with very effective vaccines,” he continued.

‘So it’s about the vaccines now being in people’s arms? … But what’s important is to get it into people’s arms, “the Cuomo emphasizes.

Vaccines have so far been limited to frontline health workers, as well as more vulnerable populations, although members of Congress can also receive the vaccine. Some, such as Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) and Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN), have voiced opposition to lawmakers receiving the vaccine in front of the more vulnerable members of the population.

As of Monday, the CDC has reported 19,055,869 cumulative cases of the Wuhan virus nationwide.
