16 kilometers from the family of Covid-19 as a funeral of the time of the funeral | El Salvador News

Sucedió in Mexico. A sobreviviente accedio to the interview with local media for all the people have conscience and are careful and are protjan of the illness

In one case, an insolvent family failed the COVID-19 contagion. Ocurrió en el municipio de Cuautitlán Izcalli, Ciudad de México.

Agree with local media, like diary El Milenio, all comenzó hace unes meses cuando un tío lejano de la familiur murió de coronavirus y gran numaro de parientes acudió al begrafnis ya la vela, sin tener consciencia real a lo que se exponían.

‘Nee hy tenido ni tiempo de llorar, estoy como pasmado. I have an older mother, my father has a relationship with me at home and my husband and I have a living room. Do not give me room to close to follow, “said José Martín Chávez Enríquez, 32 years old, always on the diary El Milenio.

A total of 16 members of this family of women went bankrupt due to Covid-19.

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“Many families are contagious and with the passing of time the virus has spread, as has been the case with the whole family. My mother was 62 years old, incinerated and tied to her remains at home because I had no time to go to cement, ”said the family.

Chávez Enríquez confesses that he also fled to the interior of the family, but to the people who were not contagious, because the token was like his morian little ones to the middle of his impotence by ayudarlos.

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También asseguró al mexicano med que “accedio a la intervista porque su objectiv es que toda la gente se entera y hacer conscience par se que cuiden y se protejan de esta enfermedad, que no es juego”.

If this is not the case, Chávez Enríquez has been with the media for some time now.

Mexico is the world’s largest city with the most accumulated deaths by COVID-19.
