-111 degrees Celsius, the new record for holidays in a cloud form that is forming in the Pacific Ocean | International | Notice

The phenomenon is shaped by the Pacific.

An extreme freezing temperature is mediocre about a cloud of torment in the Pacific Ocean, is by means of a satellite in terrestrial orbit. The lowering temperature -111 degrees Celsius, is 30 degrees higher than the typical clouds of tormenta and hasta fecha is the medium most freely known of the temperature of the tormenta clouds, according to a study conducted by the doctor Simon Trots, investigator del NCEO (National Center for Earth Observation) del United Kingdom.

The temperature sensor on board a satellite orbiting terrestrial orbits can detect these free clouds, with this, the meteorologists can monitor the torments and emit severe climate warnings.

Agreed to Spanish diary ABC, las worries take a similar form when alcanzan the superior part of the troposphere, es decir, la más baja de la atmosfera terrestre. Without embarrassment, when the torment possesses the energy of the commune, the logra has to reach the next cape, the stratosphere. Agreed to ABC, the phenomenon is that the cloudy clouds rise to very high altitudes, while the temperatures are actually slippery.

This free holiday mention is what happens with the cloud of torrent registered on the Pacific, volviéndola the most free with -111 degrees Celsius; the superior part of the clouds raises an altitude of more than 20.5 kilometers above sea level.

This tower increases a temperature without precedents that store the limits of what the current satellite sensors are capable of”, Explica Pride in a communiqué.

“We find out that these temperatures are actually holiday free if they are any more common, with the same amount of extreme holiday temperatures in the last three years as in the previous three years. Now we are going to extend this increase to our changing climate or to a ‘perfect torque’ of meteorological conditions that will produce extreme electric shocks in the last years, “said Proud.
