11 ways to catch COVID without realizing it

With the outbreak of the coronavirus still raging worldwide, doctors like me know for sure that COVID-19 is very good at infecting people – even those who show no symptoms but can spread it to you. Here are some ways in which you can catch the virus without realizing it. Read on, and do not miss it to ensure your health and the health of others Sure signs that you already have a Coronavirus.


You shopped and mingled with other people

Two women in a medical mask enter a modern grocery market, a shop.  Coronavirus protection, quarantine, self-isolation.
Two women in a medical mask enter a modern grocery market, a shop. Coronavirus protection, quarantine, self-isolation.

COVID-19 spreads when an infected person coughs or sneezes small droplets of the virus into the air. If you inhale them or touch the surface on which they ended up, you could get an infection. This is why social distance is very important and that many stores apply it. Please do everything you can to deliver your food – and when shopping, keep it at least six meters away from others, even if you are waiting in line, and follow my advice in the next slide.


You touch objects with high touch

man pumping petrol in car
man pumping petrol in car

Supermarkets and gas stations provide an ideal environment for virus spread, as many people touch and replace items, wipe out credit cards, park parking ticket buttons, ATMs and print paper receipts. Despite recent headlines saying that the CDC has changed its position on the transmission of viruses to surfaces, they later explained: “The transmission of SARS-CoV-2 to persons from surfaces infected with the virus has not been documented, “but ‘current evidence suggests that -CoV-2 may remain viable for hours to days on surfaces made of different materials. “


You get deliveries at home and forget one important thing

Home delivery is less risky than a supermarket shopping, but there is still a risk of contamination of the surface of any food or packaging or by the delivery manager. The best practice is to throw the boxes away and then wash your hands after handling packages, says dr. Fauci.


You are back in the “real world”

Basic protection measures against new coronavirus.  Wash hands, use medical mask and gloves.  Avoid contact with eyes, nose and mouth.  Maintain social distance.  Wash your hands regularly
Basic protection measures against new coronavirus. Wash hands, use medical mask and gloves. Avoid contact with eyes, nose and mouth. Maintain social distance. Wash your hands regularly

Now that cities are opening up, you might want to go back to work, or to a mall, or to the movies. To reduce an increase in new cases, you need to be vigilant about your hygiene (wash your hands for 20 seconds, wear a mask, etc.), and one infectious disease doctor from Yale adds another important element: yourself if your assignment is essential. If not, skip it.


You take public transport

kindness wearing a protective mask while traveling by public transport.
kindness wearing a protective mask while traveling by public transport.

Using public transportation poses one of the biggest risks to getting COVID-19. Apart from the possibility of inhaling the droplets of the virus from the air, there is the risk of becoming infected by touching surfaces. COVID-19 can survive up to 5 days on the surfaces. Handles, seats, ticket machines are touched daily by thousands of people and this can contribute to the spread of viruses. In fact, the CDC only has to wear traveling masks.


You sell and buy used items online

Woman with MacBook and iPhone Internet Service eBay on Screen
Woman with MacBook and iPhone Internet Service eBay on Screen

There are still some websites open where people can trade used, new or unwanted items. The buyer or seller can become infected and spread this infection while picking up items or downloading. The virus can stay on the surface of the object and if you touch it, you can become infected.


You share your computer at work

man cleaning his computer keyboard
man cleaning his computer keyboard

If you are unable to work from home, or if you are an “essential” worker using a shared computer or equipment, wipe it with a disinfectant cloth before using it. Wipe it before and after use to prepare it for the next person.


Your cell phone can be a good source of infection

Even if you wear gloves while shopping, in public transport or at work, you can transmit viruses from gloves to the surface of your phone when you touch your phone. This is a good way to avoid using your phone as much as possible – but if necessary, wipe it off as often as possible with a disinfectant wipe. The virus can stay on your phone and then it can be transmitted to your hands. You can get an infection without realizing it as soon as you touch your face or mouth with infected hands.


You are wearing your mask incorrectly

woman in a medical mask on her face during the outdoor pandemic
woman in a medical mask on her face during the outdoor pandemic

The CDC recommends wearing face masks to not only infect droplets but also to disperse droplets. This is how they say you should wear one:

  • “Wash your hands before covering your face

  • Put it over your nose and mouth and confirm it under your chin

  • Try to fit it tightly against the sides of your face

  • Make it easy to breathe

  • Do not put the blanket around your neck or on your forehead

  • Do not touch the face mask, and if you do, wash your hands “


You think six feet is actually three feet

people wearing medical mask for coronavirus 19 protection, standing together next to office buildings and talking in the city
people wearing medical mask for coronavirus 19 protection, standing together next to office buildings and talking in the city

Remember the decisive episode of Seinfeld? Make sure you are not one. To prevent the spread of the virus, you should be at a distance of six meters from someone when talking to them, or when packing in a grocery store. Think of the length of a twin bed, if it helps.


You found yourself in a crowd

young woman wearing a hygiene protective mask over her face while walking in the crowded place
young woman wearing a hygiene protective mask over her face while walking in the crowded place

It can happen: you avoid crowds, just like dr. Fauci advised, but a musician plays live music outside your local bar, so you stop listening and suddenly you are surrounded by thirty other people, half of whom are wearing masks, many of whom stand elbow to elbow. Excuse yourself as fast as you can – and do not be ashamed to ask others – in the supermarket, the park or the DMV – to stand six meters away. And do not miss this, if you are going through this pandemic in the healthiest way 35 places where you catch the most Coronavirus.
