10 × More Tesla cars to get full self-driving beta soon

Tesla has carefully built its “Full Self-Driving Beta” system over the past few months. CEO Elon Musk says that it will double the number of cars in the system with the upcoming update of the 8.2 version, and that it will increase the number of cars with the firmware by 10 × when version 8.3 appears – which is only in 2 can be. up to 3 weeks.

When we last heard, Elon said during the Tesla quarterly conference call at the end of January that nearly 1,000 Tesla owners had the FSD beta activated on their cars. If it hasn’t changed much since then, the simple math is that 10 × is more than 1,000 to 10,000.

One troublesome thing about this stage of autonomous vehicle development is that it can run counter to greater risks than earlier phases. If your car is ‘too good’ to drive yourself, but not yet perfect, it is virtually impossible to pay attention to the road for the rare cases that you have to take it over. In fact, NASA discovered years ago that even top-level engineers could not stay focused on monitoring something when there was nothing to do. With that in mind, Elon has repeatedly stressed that Tesla owners who get the FSD Beta update need to be extra, extra careful.

I think it would be cool if Tesla could implement some kind of gamification system to allow drivers to interact with the system to some extent. I know – it beats the point to some extent, but Tesla is all about play and fun, so I’m sure its Jedi engineers can come up with some fun solutions. The point, however, is that the software is still not perfect and that drivers need to find ways to maintain their focus on the road, despite FSD taking up ~ 99% of the time. For now, Tesla relies on drivers simply noticing what’s happening.

I has thought drivers should also pay closer attention to the use of developer visualization on the touchscreen, as Tesla does. They can better see what’s going on, get a better sense of being part of the development team, and are more attracted to the process than Tesla would use the more polished visualizations in vehicles without FSD Beta, like mine.

The FSD Beta Suite can take people from their homes to their favorite shops, workplaces, tennis courts or Disney World – potentially even without a single driver intervention for the entire trip. It’s not perfect yet, not ready to go to bed or watch a movie while the drivers are themselves, but it’s getting closer every week. As you can see in Elon’s tweet above, Tesla has implemented about 1000 improvements from version 8.2 to version 8.3 of FSD Beta. I am definitely very interested to see what it can handle in my area! Hopefully we get into the beta on this add-on.

We have written extensively here about FSD Beta CleanTechnica, rather than doing it again to give this update more context, here are some of the most notable recent articles on the subject:


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