10 healthy foods that you should not miss in your diet

Llevar una vida commendable consistently consists of two principles onontbeerlik, the first is the habitual practice of ownership and second lie is the power to leave one diet praiseworthy and balanced, being the ultimate in what many people suelen lose by not knowing that foods consumer.

Prohibition of probes, ellevar una food salueable It’s not that complicated to know if it’s its most nutritious foods that exist, for whatever reason it’s our desire to show our readers a list of foods that can not be missed in any kitchen.

10 healthy foods that we should consume

Vale la pena acotar que et list is hace considering the properties and benefits that he has approved of dicho alimentos, sin embargo, always recommended to consult with professionals of health, as a physician and nutritionist, before integrating any food on the menu.


Geen hooi mejor manera de comenzar esta list que con uno de los grande protagonistas de la alutación aludable.

Inside the properties of the ajo result in high levels of vitamin B6, vitamin C, manganese and blueberries, inside many other properties.


This is a dish that is delicious, in addition to being an indispensable ingredient in the gastronomy of any part of the world.

Among the benefits of comer cebolla tenemos the control of hypertension and cholesterol reducing the risk of padding cardiovascular diseases.


It is a highly salutary fruit, characterized by the presence of monounsaturated grasses and its high potency level, which significantly benefits cardiovascular health and protects the functioning of the heart.

Propiedades move
Propiedades move


Remolacha or betabel represents a large source of iron and contains a large amount of antioxidants, which help prevent anemia and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, as well as protect the cells from the effects of free radicals.


To be salutary and agile as the conejos debemos consume habitually zanahorias, unless everything contains a large amount of vitamin A and above its high level of carotenoids.

zanahorias ricas in vitamin KHorses

It seems that for a long time it is thought that podium affects the cholesterol levels, today it is included in the list of the most nutritious foods that exist, distancing the presence of essential amino acids and its high protein content.


Color foods that are always healthy, are embarrassing in the case of acelga we can find vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin C, in addition to having an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect.


These are just some of the great things you can expect from a great cardiovascular system that will help you control your cardiovascular system.


All healthy food should contain fish and all the blue fish caught, the salmon and the kingfishers.

It contains a large variety of nutrients, its embargo is characterized by its high content of omega 3, which helps maintain the digestion of the digestive system and the cardiovascular system.

Toast with water and salmon
Toast with water and salmon

Carne magra

At the time of integrating carne into the menu, the best option is lean carbs, which contain a large amount of protein, in addition to vitamins like the B group and minerals like phosphorus, zinc and iron.

We also need to consume water

Although much water is not a food, if it is an indispensable element in our menu, then it should help to maintain the functioning of the organism, since it is not possible to live and do anything to consume healthy foods.
