What topics does an internal medicine doctor treat?

The specialty of internal medicine or internal medicine is one of the most necessary and less known. It is defined as a term between the specialists and the clinicians or the doctors of cabecera. Generally, its rates in hospital centers or clinics and intensive care units. As its name implies, it is occupied by internal organs, such as the heart, pulses or digestive apparatus, attending to a variety of pathologies. I do not have to confuse the internal medicine with the internal medicine, which are those who specialize in a hospital.

What pathologies does the internal medicine doctor have?

The internal medicine medicine suele attend cases cases, y can diagnose complaints that affect various organs at different times. Internal medicine only cares for adult patients, occupying its full and global clinical attention.

Cases that are derived from internist medical son:

  • Sources that affect various organs, such as lupus or diabetes.
  • Rare nurses with diagnostic complex.
  • Inflamed self-inflicted or systemic infections.
  • Pathologies vinculadas in the middle of the atmosphere.
  • Genetic nurses.
  • Immunosuppressants.
  • Affected by infected or tropical animals.
  • Internships in intensive care units with multiple pathologies that require various treatments.
  • Cardiac insufficiency and respiratory failure, angina pectoris and other cardiovascular problems.
  • Neumonia.
  • Insufficiency of various organs.
  • Hemorrhage digestion.Internal Medicine

A very real specialty

According to the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine, these internal medicine specialists tend to be mayors of protagonism in hospitals and internships and extracurricular hospitals. They already have increase in life expectancy, which is reflected in an increase in the number of chronic patient patients.

De hecho, cases involving patients who have been admitted to internal medicine rooms for more than 80 years, with specific requirements of this oath such as the nutrition and fragility that are affected by hospitalization.

Other activities of internal medicine

Internal medicine doctors can only be cured, since they have a very important paper in the training of future futures. Hecho, the role of the lecturer in internal medicine is largely reconciled, and as I know, the comedians begin to form in the faculties of Medicine, but continuously continue to do so. On the other hand, internal medicine practitioners are naturalists.

Also interview in the chronic patient education and community, integrating multidisciplinary therapeutic education teams for the prevention and follow-up of nursing determinations. Tienen is a paper dedicated to public health and epidemiology topics, and its formation permits the sociocultural entourage of patients.

So much so that the most advanced countries recognize the internist one fundamental pillar of the system of full attention to health.Patient and doctor

How can I go to an internal medicine doctor?

In the case of emergencies, the consultation with the internal medicine doctor is carried out through the derivation of the medical medicine of the doctor, or the specialist who is performing a treatment. We can also make sure that the consultant is satisfied with the health insurance company.

In the majority of cases, internal medicine is consulted exclusively in clinics and hospitals.

  • The internal medicine working in conjunction with other specialists in case of Complex and multisystem diagnostic tools, is that it is better prepared to be patient in its integrity.
  • In large hospitals there is a cargo of inpatients in the intensive care rooms.
  • We can also act in the case of high risk embarrassments. While the obstacle is taking care of everything related to the health of the future baby and the party, the internal medicine doctor will attend to the illnesses or complaints that may affect the patient. For example, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia or gestational hypertension. It also has chronic pathogenic diseases caused by women with arthritis, diabetes, and irritable bowel syndrome among others.
  • Here we also interview the internal medicine, when it comes to evaluating a patient with various pathogens.
  • En los little hospital It is not uncommon for an in-house medical professional to have a variety of specialists, including a team of internists in the emergency department.

Internal medicine attention in Spain

If your medicine doctor treats the specialist in internal medicine or debates internally in a hospital clinic, you will be interested in knowing internal medicine medicine both as a public sector as a private sector.

Health insurance companies that offer medical advice or attention to clinics, suelen tener casi tantos internal medicine as the other specialties. In addition, the new services offered by the Mayor of insurers, as well as those related to dietary disorders, sleep disorders and others require the participation of internal medicine.

I recommend read carefully the police to know the coverage in an international case. Hecho, this service is included in the majority of the general medicine police, while the international embargo is not included in the primary care performance.

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