What not to teach in the career of Medicine

The other day, a friend tells me that when he goes to the doctor, many times he has the sensation that the important person is the doctor, when the important patient must be the patient.

In this sense he recently led a remarkable short story of Galeano who would like to share with you:

“A man of the Negev people, on the coast of Colombia, can go down to the whole sky. The world that has been inhabited since the beginning of the human race. And he says that we are a sea of ​​fugitives. The world is -reveló-, a montón de gente, un mar de fugeguitos. Each person wears glasses with light props between all the demas. No hay dos fuegos iguales. Hay fugueos grande y fuegos chicos y fuegos de todos los colores. Hay gente de fuego sereno, ni ni entera del viento, y gente de fuego loco que llena el aire de chispas. Algunos fuegos, fuegos bobos, no alumbran ni queman; pero otros arden la vida con tanta passion que ne se pueder mirarlos sin parpadear, y quien se acerca se enciende “.

All of us should intend to be the type of ‘fueguito’ final, the one who ‘enters’ where he is. Pero especially the doctors. We have this opportunity and our responsibility with our patients.

The placebo effect of empathy

There are three types of responses available:

  • Que diga: “Vaya desastre, yo no vuelvo más”

  • Que diga: “Todo correcto, son profesionales”

  • Que salga y diga: “¡Qué maravilla! ¡Qué bien me han tratado!

It is ultimately what we intend to do to seek medical help: to establish a nexo emotional with the patients traversed by our path and come the hemos hecho to feel in our consultation. The patients were not recorded because of what we saw in our eyes, but we will record how we will look at our consultation.

Photo: iStock.
Photo: iStock.

In addition, if you empathize with it, we will receive very clear benefits about the patient: the conocido placebo effect, it is said that the nurse is more directly affected by a psychosomatic effect, and above all the security that the patient also has to imply in the therapeutic compliment the recommendations that the doctor has made, is, the mayor’s adatency.

The people who dedicate us to the medicine we take are the type of ‘fueguito’ that ‘enters’ on the mornings that the hace is best. In the case of dermatologists, help our patients work through the skin. And tenemos que ser, como dice el cuento, un fuego sereno, which is not sensitive to life (modes, real estate expectations, money, pharmaceuticals, temporal tendencies, etc.). For this reason, in medicine it is not necessary to constantly make extraordinary things, we must make the normal rates of day and day of extraordinary form.

Because the medicines we cure in veces, but we debate always always.
