DNA analysis to help citizens anticipate health problems

DNA analysis to help citizens anticipate health problems

In 2015, a group of investigators reunited with 2,748 distinguished studies analyzing 17,804 breeds in a population of more than 29 million gemelos. These exploratory investigations cause many issues such as blood pressure, humanitarian problems, the shape of the ears, social values ​​or culinary tastes. The conclusions of the surprise window are: todos y cada uno de los 17.000 rasgos stududiados eran heredables af burgemeester o menor medida.

So, genetics has everything to do with it, especially with medical pathologies. Without embarrassment, salvo for very concrete things, mirror a sequential genome in our demented words about the mayor for problems, rasgos or enfermedades of our day and day. The motivation is simple: if genetics were an idiom, human beings would be sacrificed on the A1.