Far Cry 6: all we know

The Far Cry series was one of Ubisoft’s most defining open-world action-adventure franchises, focusing on exploring and combating enemy forces in exotic areas. In Far Cry 6, the franchise moves to a new place known as Yara, loosely based on the island and the history of Cuba. The citizens of Yara, who took place during a political and social revolution, begin their campaign to overthrow the cruel dictator Presidente Castillo. Here’s everything we know so far about Far Cry 6.

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The story so far

Although previous entries in the Far Cry series had some loose connections, Far Cry 6 is a completely standalone game that does not have many ties to the previous games. This is probably the best, as Far Cry 5 and the thinning out New Dawn unexpectedly brought the series into the post-apocalyptic environment. Far Cry 6 takes place in the present, with the modern world still intact. However, the introduction of this game is on the island of Yara, a country isolated from the rest of the world due to economic sanctions, as the developers explained in a conversation with GameSpot shortly after the unveiling Play as a native of Yara joining the rebel forces. , will move you through the island and dismantle the country’s power systems before taking on President Anton Castillo, played by Breaking Bad and Mandalorian actor Giancarlo Esposito.

Issue Date

Following its release in August 2020, it was announced that Far Cry 6 will be released in February 2021. However, with the growing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the game’s release was postponed until later in the year. There is currently no set date for a release. We’ll keep you posted on when Ubisoft announces the final release date for Far Cry 6.

On what platforms will it appear?

Far Cry 6 will be a general release, and is currently being released on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S and Google Stages launched.

Is there multiplayer?

Like previous games in the series, Far Cry 6 will feature a cooperative game, enabling players to explore the world together. Although the developers did not talk about the exact scope of the cooperative component of the next game, we know that it is similar to previous games. In collaboration, you and your friends can tackle side missions and activities around the world, but story missions are left on their own. Once more details are shared, we will update this post to further explain how the cooperative will work.


Although no game of Far Cry 6 has been shown yet, the preview for the game is a great mood piece that sets the scene for what’s to come. In the trailer, we see President Anton Castillo talking to his son about the need for hard rule in Yara. This exposition is in turmoil against the backdrop of Yara, with the country’s rebel citizens at odds with Castillo’s army. It shows a gloomy situation, and it will be interesting to see how the final match will affect the story and key villain, who may have more ambitious plans for dominance than it would initially seem. Watch the video below to see the full game.

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Terwyl Ubisoft bevestig het dat Far Cry 6 ‘n seisoenpas vir inhoud na die bekendstelling sal hê, is nog geen besonderhede gedeel oor wat om te verwag nie. Ons verwag dat sodra ons nader aan die vrylating is, ons meer van die ontwikkelaar se planne sal sien vir wat ons van die spel kan verwag na die bekendstelling daarvan.

Hoe om vooraf te bestel

Geen onderskrif verskaf nie

Op die oomblik kan u Far Cry 6 vooraf bestel op Amazon of via Ubisoft se aanlynwinkel. Op standaard-wyse by die uitgewer is daar verskeie weergawes van Far Cry 6 om vooraf te bestel, insluitend die Standard Edition, die Gold Edition, die Ultimate Edition en die Collector’s Edition – waarvan laasgenoemde in kaarte, plakkers en ‘n model bygevoeg word. replika van die speletjie se vlamwerker. Hier is ‘n paar skakels hieronder om die verskillende weergawes van die spel te sien.
