For Myanmar’s young people, 2021 was supposed to be a year of optimism. After the Covid-19 pandemic went through, the vaccination began, and the general election in November took a step in the direction of the country to realize its potential.
But in the aftermath of the February 1 coup, their dreams turned into nightmares as many of the young people in Myanmar were forced to sacrifice their future to take a stand against the military.
The aspiring engineer, Hlyan Phyo Aung (22), is one of them. The news portal Myanmar Now reported that he was injured by an explosion on March 27 during a rally against a protest in the central city of Magway. One soldier reportedly fired his injured hand at close range, another fired several rubber bullets into his other hand, and then the troops kicked him in the face until bystanders hurled themselves at him, saving his life. .
His right hand was cut off at the wrist; he may also permanently lose the use of his left hand. His left leg was shot eight times and can also be amputated, his right butt has two bullet wounds, his face was battered and damage to his eyesight due to the impact of the gunshots can also be irreparable. The military prevented him from receiving treatment outside one of its own hospitals, and also accused him of incitement, which carries up to three years in prison.
His story reflects the brutality that other protesters of his generation carry. Among the first civilian casualties was a 19-year-old girl who was shot in the head by security forces. Then came an endless list of ruined futures – a 24-year-old father who lost his leg after being shot in Yangon on March 10, in the northwestern region of Sagaing, a 20-year-old man whose leg was also amputated is after the army allegedly threw a hand grenade, a 19-year-old student was shot dead near Yangon on March 27 and on the same day even younger victims, such as a 14-year-old girl who died in her home after security forces fired bullets into sprayed a neighborhood, and a seven-year-old girl was shot while sitting on her father’s lap in Mandalay.
Some of those who survived the attacks were maimed for life or unable to work due to their injuries.
“I wanted a happy life”
“I wrote content, worked hard, and spent a lot of time with friends,” says Wai, 21, an online culture writer. “My future was clear: I wanted a good job, a happy family and a peaceful life.”
But since the army took power, Wai’s main goal has been to avoid the forces of the junta, which has killed and maimed hundreds of its peers. He is now unemployed due to the economic crisis that arose in the aftermath of the coup, and he fears that junta troops will hunt him down.
A consensus in 2014 showed that more than 50% of Myanmar’s population was under the age of 30. This segment has direct knowledge of the disastrous rule of the army that impoverished a once prosperous nation, but also a decade of exposure to the outside world as well as better access to information, education and jobs. Their role in the anti-coup movement is once again confronted with a military dictatorship, and testifies to the sacrifices they are prepared to make for hard-earned rights.

“If the junta defeats this revolution, our future is over,” said Wai, who on March 8 saw a fellow protester shot dead in northern Okkalapa, a congregation in Yangon’s largest city, Myanmar. a week before martial law was declared in the area. .
‘If they win, I will not marry or have children because I do not want my family to live under their control. International relations would be destroyed, and life would become like North Korea. We will protest as much as we can until we win. It’s worth giving your life for the next generation. ”
According to the Political Prisoners’ Association (AAPP), regime forces have killed at least 714 people since the coup, but hundreds of others have probably been seriously injured by live rounds, mortar fire, hand grenades and other weapons used by the military. .
According to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet, the country was in danger of going into a ‘full-blown conflict’, which on Tuesday called on countries to push the military to stop its violent repression against civilians.
After the latest massacre of at least 82 civilians in Bago, she said the world “does not allow the deadly mistakes of the past to be repeated in Syria and elsewhere.”
Cruelty is becoming increasingly difficult to address due to the cessation of the rule of mobile data and wireless broadband that has blocked internet access for most of the population. Meanwhile, analysts have warned of a dramatic turnaround in the economic progress Myanmar has made over the past decade. The World Bank predicted that the economy would shrink by 10% in 2021, but Fitch Solutions predicted a 20% drop in growth for the fiscal year 2020-21 and the impending ‘economic collapse’.
Although some protesters began using temporary weapons against security forces, hundreds of others allegedly traveled to areas controlled by ethnic armed groups where they received training in basic warfare. Clashes are escalating between ethnic groups and the Tatmadaw, who have used deadly airstrikes near Myanmar’s borders with China and Thailand. Recent reports indicate that the army also sentenced 23 people to death after secret hearings, including four protesters.

Destroyed future
Another victim of military brutality was Thet Paing Soe, 30, who supported his mother with his salary as a manager.
On March 20, Thet Paing Soe was shot while hiding from security forces in an alley in Tamwe Township in Yangon. His family rushed to the funeral because they feared soldiers would seize the body.
The brother was the second youngest of six siblings and not yet married, and his loss could not be put into words. “I’m still suffering,” he says. ‘If it were possible, I would fight back, but [without weapons] we still can not do it. ”
After a look at life under a people-elected government, Min Thura, 23, feels he has no choice but to protest against a return to military rule.
Before the coup, he applied for a warehouse job in Yangon and on March 4, the good news came: his interview was successful. But it was too late then. Security forces shot him in the left eye with a rubber bullet the previous day and also damaged his right eye. He was forced to turn down the role and go into the care of his family, and he said his doctor doubted he would restore his sight.
“I have to accept that I can no longer see,” he says.
As plans work together for a federal army to face the Tatmadaw, Min Thura said young people should join the resistance.
“I do not want our citizens to get hurt or die anymore because we are all brothers and sisters,” he said, adding that if the international community intends to help, “please help us as soon as possible. “